Thursday, July 30, 2015

PRACTICING MONISM ( અભેદ ) -- (1).

Dear Brother,

Nothing happens in our lives independently and our karma is the root cause and principle reason behind the happenings. Sadhak will have the experience of omnipotency of God only when he understands this and puts in practice with the help of His consciousness and energy.

Everything in this world is a form of the divine consciousness or reality but it has taken different forms. It means that whatever happens is because of us. We have to perform the deed with the spirit that the root cause is within us. In this way it will not be binding to us. This is possible only if we do not keep the spirit or tendency according to the deed itself but do it with the spirit of developing the bhava of sadhana with awareness and knowledge and then offering everything to God. Then only the deeds are not binding to us. We should never act according to the tendencies and differentiate between the works, since that is not our way. We need to act in the opposite direction.

Person learns from the difficulties and develops the fighting spirit from it. Life shines a whole lot more due to difficulties. One develops the self confidence and energy from these fights against adversities.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan sandesh
Edition 3; pages 9 -- 10.