Thursday, November 17, 2016


How can a soul do sadhana if he cannot keep heartfelt harmony with the souls that are near and dear to him? There has to be some characteristics of the soul that does sadhana or we just make believe that we are doing sadhana. We just do not become merchant by carrying a small piece of ginger root. One can do away with lots of requirements in life but in the field of sadhana one can never progress by cheating one's self. If the sadhak is honest, has heartfelt good intention and is faithful to his path will definitely get stinging pain if he does something bad or wicked. He will also do self narration at Thy lotus feet (with His grace and increasing determination in his heart) that there will not be the repeat of such thing in the future and carry on with his life feeling relieved. He will ask for His grace and forgiveness for his faults may times with prayers, thus making Shree Bhagwan alive and active many times in his daily dealings and behavior!

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Pokar
Edition 4; page 58.