Thursday, November 10, 2016


Sadhak needs to have knowledge and awareness of the bhavana of the person (who is going to mould his life) and express it in his daily dealings and behavior. He should be mentally prepared with heartfelt cooperation to express and be guided by such bhavana. Our mind, buddhi, prana and ego are very obstinate and expect to be catered to its demands, expectations, wishes and desires.We need to be completely separate from these with knowledge. We need to reject various kind of our weaknesses. We need to acknowledge our smallness. We have all kinds of narrow mindedness regarding numerous fields and we have to make an effort to remove and be free from it with the grace of God. In spite of being absolute ignorant of things, we keep on believing with ego that" we understand everything, we have the skills, we do this and do that etc,". Our mind, buddhi, prana and ego carry on with all kinds of stunts. We need to have this awareness right at that instant, reject it and ask for the help and grace with heartfelt prayer. If we want to continue with our old perception and concepts of sukkha and dukkha then we might as well forget to follow this path. If there is no desire to change with enthusiasm and knowledge, it is not possible to follow the path of improving the life. I am writing above mentioned things to you after coming in close contact with many swajans.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Pokar
Edition 4; pages 54 - 55.

My two cents -- Pujya Shree Mota clearly mentions the work that needs to be done by anyone who wants to improve his or her life. This was written in a letter to explain the responsibilities of the sadhak in order to get the guidance and help from Guru (person accepted by the sadhak to mould his or her life).