Thursday, December 15, 2016


If a negative tendency arises regarding anyone in our mind, always try to remember that particular soul's best side instantly. Try to remember about that souls's good wishes, conversations and good work for us. Instantly be aware and wake up as soon as any negative tendencies arise within you. If that happens then we should surmise that our mind has the desire to get rid of its habit of seeing negative side of others. If that happens repeatedly then know for sure that this particular soul will experience God one day. There is a saying" people with awareness are always happy". This can be interpreted differently in different circumstances. We should pray to God to free us from these negative tendencies whenever there is such an instance. Bhava of prayer produces inner strength. It is not an easy task to be consciously aware, face, fight and remove such inner negative tendencies when it arises within us. This work requires much more courage and effort than showing courage in a physical work. This soul (Pujya Shree Mota) has the heartfelt longing for you to always act in such a way. I pray that you always show the courage with thy grace to face inner negative tendencies by always being aware and offering mind, prana, buddhi etc with love and devotion at thy lotus feet.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Pokar
Edition 4; page 75.