Thursday, April 6, 2017


Swajan : Sometimes we get discouraged and are afraid that we will not be able to take even one step to improve our lives when we hear you talk about it. There will be more clarity if you explain more about yearning and bhavna that you talk a lot about.

Pujya Shree Mota : There is no reason for anyone to be afraid because of me. How is it possible for anyone who come here to follow the path of developing their lives and have no bhavna regarding this objective? How can the bhavna not express when there is even a little bit of longing or yearning?

There is no way for bhavna to go unnoticed when it awakens. If you can figure out when anger, infatuation, mercy, compassion, benevolence or forgiveness is expressed why can't you be aware when bhavna is expressed? There is always a presence of such good qualities like tyag (act of voluntary renunciation), open mindedness, generosity etc, when bhavna expresses. If we can feel this happening in our lives we should be worry free with clear understanding. There is no way you can progress in this path without such yearning. We need to figure out if such is the case. When there is expression of bhavna (or true yearning) the soul tries to be introvert and tends to concentrate to stay within himself for the most part. The soul rarely diverts his attention, natural tendencies or inclination toward others. We need to see and examine if such is the case and then decide if we have true yearning or bhavna.

Only when we get the alertness and inclination to put the yearning in practice, it is considered to be true yearning. Moreover there is willingness in the heart to bear the troubles, difficulties and dukkah that may arise while putting yearning in practice with love, enthusiasm, heartfelt eagerness and spirit of welcoming it. The soul does not consider difficulty as difficulty and always stays engaged in the work that he has decided to perform. This kind of soul does not think much about such difficulties. How can there be any need for counting or considering such difficulties?

Pujya Shree Mota
Sant - Hradaya
Edition 3: excerpts from pages 71 - 73.