Thursday, June 27, 2019


Mind's innate nature is to think something and instantly think its alternatives (sankalp-vikalp, સંકલ્પ-વિકલ્પ). It is an inherent characteristic. Mind needs to be stabilized by penance. It is a stupid fallacy to think that mind can be stabilized by itself with some miracle. There has to be some kind of effort to achieve this. It is a universal experience that mind can be stabilized in any subject that is interesting to it. It is said that we need to reverse the flow of River Yamuna. Do not think or be fixated on the idea that it is not possible to do it just because it appears unconquerable.

Japa means continuous bhava of the divine consciousness for ever. When the mind is kept motivated by the bhava of goodness towards the divine consciousness is called japa yagna. If the attitude of the mind towards the divine consciousness become like a natural tendency of the love of a child towards his mother, then mind does not need to be thrust into the task, constructive attitude flows from it. Mind will act as it pleases without any direction till the mind develops to a point where its attitude towards divine consciousness becomes full of humility and distress. So it is best if it is practiced with knowledge and heartfelt goodness (સદભાવ). Mind will get trained with this practice.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Pravesh
Edition 2; Pages 187 - 188.