Sadhak will never understand the true nature of Bhakti till the level of the Prana (one of the inner instruments of the body) is of sentient nature. For this reason cleansing of the Prana is of paramount importance. There is force, feelings, sentiments, etc., in the nature of the Prana. The soul gets entangled in the forces of the Prana because its force and sentiments are of sentient nature. The soul will always understand and act according to these forces of Prana. How can the soul gather the strength to overcome the forces of the Prana? If the sadhak has true spiritual desire that is strong, he may experience warning call of inner consciousness at these times. He may act on this call of warning to control the forces of the Prana. Otherwise Prana's insistences, wishes, desires are already riding on the soul.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Sopan
Edition 3; Page 171.