Thursday, November 18, 2021


 Karachi, 1939.

The entire thought process that leads to constant thoughts of any matter that cannot be put in action, is dangerous and deadly. It is human to create the habit of having thoughts that can lead to action and energy. Thoughts have enormous power that can radically change our actions in life. One reason for such power of the thoughts is the force of Bhavna (emotions, intention) that if associated with the thoughts. The strength of the Bhavna is so powerful that it builds the entire life. The Sanskaras (mental impressions and recollections) that nourish Bhavna and Bhavna that nourishes the Sanskaras can change the entire life of the human being. This means that the Sanskaras plays major role in accepting the dukkha. Sometimes the tendencies resulting from the qualities that are not Satwik (as a result of Sanskaras) lead to the destruction of the life. This is the result of extreme mental anguish and mental disturbances resulting from inability to bear Dukkha. Sometimes it leads to dissatisfaction with life, weariness and loss of balanced mind. As a result life does not seem to be worth living.

The way to remove the feeling of Dukkha is unique. When organs of senses (indriyo) touch its own interests, it is impossible to not have shadows of Sukkha or Dukkha. We need to let this understanding go deep within us. It is not enough to understand this with mere intellect. If we understand this with Bhavna, we will not take any interest in them and will be able to keep the spirit of equanimity. With practice  we will be able to gain strength and withstand attacks by any kind of feelings and emotions. 

Pujya Shree Mota 

Jivan Prerana

Edition 2; Pages 13 - 15.