Thursday, June 9, 2022


 When Shamata (સમતા) is fully expressed not only through Bhavna but with understanding (that also with knowledge and perceptible experiences) and with heartfelt sincerity, whatever impurities are not purified so far, disappears soon. None of the impurities of the Jiva-Nature can survive in such condition. When someone asks, how can we start such purification process? One can surmise from this question that the person has not felt its utmost necessity. If there is a firm determination to achieve purity, one would turn the head as soon as one notices impurity. For sure, one would do at least this much. Actually any negative tendency of the Jiva-Nature can be classified as impurity. Purity is not just to be measured by morality, as the standard of morality is very low. Human being with determination and help of the intellect can stop the forces of prana for a while. But this is not enough for sadhana. It is an exaggeration to believe that, just by the thought and its execution, one can achieve the purity. Such thought as 'the measure of the morality is the highest standard in spirituality' has not originated by the experiences of life in sadhana. It is not born out of such experiences. With purity, power and strength are established. All the senses and inner instruments like mind, intellect etc. become knowledgable and aware of its potential. They start expressing and behaving with reality and appropriateness. Morality looks dry and incomplete when compared to intense and expressed Bhava of sadhana. It does not mean that morality is not necessary. It is just that purity required for the sadhana cannot be achieved by just morality. Purity needed for sadhana goes lot farther. For this reason, we need to be alert and careful about the games played by mind, prana, and intellect and cultivate the practice being separate from the games with knowledge. In spite of doing all these, with the Grace of Shree Prabhu, we must continue to give utmost importance to the heartfelt Bhavna of the sadhana. Only with that, everything expresses in proper and appropriate manner.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Sopan

Edition 3; Pages 236 - 237.