Thursday, July 13, 2023


 The Jiva may seem to be full of goodness and good intentions but it may not be possible for such a Jiva to be in the same condition all the time. It is not possible to say when such a Jiva turns revengful. So it is wise to say certain things and it is unwise to say certain things. Be discrete in speech everywhere. It is an art to know what can be said, what cannot be said, how to say and how much need to be said. It is good for us to not create a combative person by using our speech that is indiscreet and insulting. We should never embarrass any Jiva and instead should take such embarrassment on our head. Even in future, we should never be looking for the cause of such embarrassment. The life shines by such actions. It is possible that we may have been the victim of injustice and even if it is the truth, we should not let the injustice touch us. Only then our minds will not be weary, troubled and unhappy. Also, in the dealings of Sansar we need to use sense of discretion in deciding where to be open and frank, and where not to. It is also not wise to indiscriminately express whatever is the truth in our heart. Sometimes we feel that we are being untruthful while behaving this way but this belief is not proper. We should keep the truthfulness in our hearts and use the words that are truthful, without uttering falsity. When such tender instances appear in our lives, we need to be very careful. We must develop the awareness and knowledge that no one gets separated from our Bhava of Goodness, when we utter the words with frankness. We do not want to scare anyone. Our aim is to understand everyone, any which way. It is not easy for any ordinary Jiva to maintain the composure when the Jiva knows that fault lies with the other person and yet at the same time act as if the Jiva does not know anything about it.     

Unless there is an expression of heartfelt sense of discretion, there is no proper understanding of what to speak, how to speak, where to speak and where not to speak or keep silence.

It is also beneficial to let things happen as it does without interference in dealings of Sansar and Sadhana. Many times, we speak right away at such times. It is best for us to let things happen when it does and how it does; keep only peace and be aware of being a witness of such events. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 1

Edition 1; Pages 133 - 134.