Thursday, July 20, 2023


 We have impressions in our Chitta from previous experiences. When these are activated as thoughts and feelings, it guides us regarding the understanding of previous experiences. These impressions are not based on complete and pure truth but we rely on it for our dealings in worldly affairs. For this reason we need to make an effort with care to come out of this circle. 

If we want to stop taking action based on these actions and reactions, we do not have any alternative but to develop vruttie of Tatasthata. Vrutties that develop as result of these actions and reactions muddles our thought process and do not provide us the vision to see these thoughts in a different way or by separating us from the thoughts. We have tendency to take side one way or the other. We should make an effort to stay clear of partiality or lean towards one way or the other. Moreover, whatever we understand are based on contact with certain circumstances and its relationship with previous experiences. So, we do not get a chance to explore the roots of the circumstances. We need Tatasthata for this reason.

Even if we are not guided by our understanding and tendencies from previous experiences, we need to develop vruttie of Tathasthata. When we are guided by clinging to the tendencies of our mind, the Shiva that resides within us in the form of Jiva does not get a chance to guide us. It just lays around in inactivity. The more we cling to the tendencies of the mind, more intense becomes our Jiva-Nature. As we develop more Tatasthata, the Jiva becomes more energetic and active. We will see Jiva from different perspective. When we have a firm belief within us that we want to depend on something else other than the mind, the mind gets the notice. It becomes cooperative and ascends to a higher level. There will be more intensity in the degree of Tatasthata. When we develop such Tatasthata, only then we will stop being swept away in our vrutties.

What is Tatasthata, Samata (સમતા) and Witness consciousness (સાક્ષીભાવ)?

Tata (તટ) means bank of a river. Tatasthata means standing on the bank of the river and not drown in its water. Whenever attacks of thoughts, vrutties, feelings, bhavna etc., occur and at that time if we do not become one with it or not get involved too much; what keeps us separate from all these is Tatasthata and Samata. Bhava of Samata is of higher stage than Tatasthata and Bhava of Witness consciousness is even higher than Bhava of Samata. All these does not mean that we need to become dry as wood and without feelings. In fact human being can never become like that. This is understandable. When Tatasthata, Samata and Witness consciousness sequentially enter in the higher stages of life, there is great delight entirely of different catagory.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 1

Edition 1, Page 297 - 298.

Continued in next blog as Part 2.