Thursday, March 21, 2024


 It is understandable that we manage our external business and relationships with mind. We understand whatever mind thinks. Mind thinks on the basis of past Sanskars (past impressions). Moreover Shree Bhagwan has given us watchman in the form of Intellect to warn us. This intellect has energy and power of illumination. Intellect can generate knowledge about almost everything. Whatever understanding we have in life is due to the light of intellect. Intellect is the nearest part of our base (aadhar) to Chetan. If we take the help of intellect with Tatasthata and awareness, it will not direct our sense of discretion (Vivek) astray in figuring out the faults in our thoughts and vrutties. What kind of person we want to be? How do we want to behave? What is our aim? What should be our actions when we have thoughts opposing our goals? Intellect will show us the answers to these queries. Intellect is like Sahadev Joshi (one of the Pandavas in epic of Mahabharat), this is also not right. Sahadev Joshi used to answer only when asked question. Appropriate vision of sense of discretion is expressed in intellect by our inclination for awareness and alertness in our aim of life. Mind, intellect, chitta, ego etc., are directed and get immersed in whatever kind of tendency is present at the time but the intellect that is engrossed in the Sadhana of Sadhak is not weak. Such intellect will always show the Sadhak most appropriate duty in those circumstances. Such Intellect will show us our true form. If Sadhak does not have enough strength and he is drowning, it will not just sit around and say that 'I do not have anything to do with this'. The intellect that has developed complete sense of discretion between truth and falsity is our inner eyes within us. It will show you innermost hidden play of yourself by expressing it in front of your eyes. As our inquisitiveness (Jignasa) increases and  enlightens, with it our intellect also shines accordingly and shows us the correct way. Many kinds of puzzles and understandings are present in Intellect and accordingly it tries to show us the way. So, it is necessary that our intellect gets free of such puzzles and understandings. 

This is only possible when our Satwik Guna is completely developed in our lives. This Satwik Guna does not develop on its own, it requires great effort on the part of Sadhak. There is only one way to develop Satwik Guna. Satwik Guna will develop within us when we act with peace, samata, happiness, patience, tatasthata, forebearance and compassion in all the incidents in our lives. Know this with certainty. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 1

Edition 1; Pages 348 - 349.