Thursday, April 25, 2024


 Sadhana is a Jadibuttie (root of the medicinal plant producing magical effects) for shortening the time and yet in the most appropriate manner. We can also say that Sadhana is an art to change unfavorable circumstances into favorable circumstances. Otherwise the Prakruti carries out this traditional and routine development since it is in the nature of Prakruti and this will go on. Thus if we want to go above Prakruti to accelerate our development, there is no way other than Sadhana and accepting its tools. We can also say that it is conscious way of making efforts to make the process of Chetan accelerate and subtle; by infusing energy and life in the development done by Prakruti. So, Sadhana is not something additional or different than life (Jivan). Similarly, Yoga or ways of Yoga is not different from life. It is a process to concentrate and focus attention of our subtle heart increasingly towards development of the conscious-life from the life governed by Prakruti; experiencing Chetan-energy-infusion leading to increasing speed of development and thus new creation. Such process leading to increasing knowledge (Gyana) and subtle Bhava is given many names to accomodate preferences of Sadhaks. They include Yoga of knowledge, Yoga of devotion, Yoga of Karma etc., Otherwise, it is only one process. Since this is the conscious process for new creation and destiny of the whole life, it is much better to give the name of Jivan Yoga. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yoga, Edition 1,

Part 1, Page 11.