Thursday, April 11, 2024


 The layer of feelings is an obstacle to completely manifest element of ultimate reality that is within human beings but perhaps more obstruction is from the layer of intellect. Intellect is more powerful than feelings regarding keeping more insistence and also for a much longer time. The grip of intellect is much stronger than that of feelings. Some times people who are more directed by intellect get stuck to their beliefs very rigidly, preventing their spiritual progress. We know of many experts in science, spirituality and religion, who get stuck to their own perceived beliefs so much, that they never see any truth or reality in any other beliefs that are against their own viewpoint. 

Intellect cannot get through its own field of action. Intellect is helpful and at times it is harmful. Intellect tends to give advice where it does not see with clarity. It also muddles through the knowledge where it does not possess true knowledge with appropriate facts. This is where real difficulty and trouble arise. We are stuck in the lower kind of layers of mind and the process of rising above these layers is going on within us. These are the subtle games played to make us fall backwards. Sadhak can be alert of these subtle games only when he develops conscious awareness with knowledge.

Our intellect is misdirected by attachments-hate and limited by duality. It is bound by certain standards and so it becomes limited. Moreover it is covered with layers of insistences, opinions, beliefs and imaginations. It stays in the same condition with all these defects till it is poked to get over these defects and progress higher. Its development happens in the same form with defects unless these layers are removed. Our intellect is covered with many layers.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 1

Edition 1, Pages 351 - 352.