Thursday, December 26, 2024


 Jiva who wants to develop life and has heartfelt desire to do Sadhana of life, such Jiva will always continue to forget the self. Without that, the Jiva will not be able to find the self. Sadhana begins with the sacrifice of 'I AM' or 'ME' and completed or better word is 'final end' is in the complete destruction of ego.

It is not possible to destroy 'I AM'. It is also one form of reality (Tatwa, તત્વ). Meaning of 'I AM'  is one kind of Nature or characteristic that can propel in the Aakash (Sky). Destruction of Nature or characteristic are never possible. Only sublimation is possible. So it is never destroyed completely. If we surmise the meaning of sublimation as 'complete cleansing' it is more appropriate. 

As the ego gets subtler, its hold on us also gets subtler and strong. At this time, it is difficult to judge and identify its strength. So, how can we catch it? It is possible that apparently egoless Jiva  may be full of ego. It is like when there is lot of speed in the movement of a top, it appears still. If someone who is proud of the intellect say that 'we will be able to reduce or sublimate the ego with the help of the intellect,' it is useless illusion. In fact the subtlety of intellect makes the ego more subtle. So ego cannot be destroyed by intellect. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 1, Pages 370 - 371.

Thursday, December 19, 2024


 There is expression of genuine desire (Jignasa) to destroy the ego. Ego is an obstacle in the efforts to be one with Bhagwan, the reason being there is always persistence of the Bhava that 'I am' because of the ego. So, there must be efforts made with alertness and awareness to destroy the ego. One way is to be in the situation knowingly where there is chance of insult. We must have understanding and awareness that - 'these insults are the best that is happening and ego will be less this way. By the grace of Bhagwan, this incident and experience happened in my life to reduce the ego in me.' One who wants to reduce the ego will not have bad feelings at that time. It is a proof that presence of bad feelings means there is no real desire to reduce the ego. 

One who wants to reduce the ego will consider such incidents as grace of Bhagwan and behaves accordingly at such times. 

Another easy way is to develop humility. Humility develops if we become non-insistence of our opinions. There should be no insistence and holding on to our opinions. Then only there is more expression of humility and lessening of the ego. 

Ego will exist as long as work needs to be done. No work can be done without ego. There is involvement of many people when the work is performed. Many people may be working under us. We need ego at this time, but there should be no 'I AM'. All these works are done just like the bulb lightening up by the power of electricity. We should keep the Bhava that 'I' did not do anything, all is done by the power of ego.' 

If some people who are involved with us in work and the work is not done properly then we can call them and tell them about it. We should have awareness that we are telling them not because of our ego but because the work is not done properly. We should be careful that there is no 'I Am' during the encounter. At that time, we should not have a sense that we are at a higher level, have authority or we own the work. It is our duty to show the defect in the work, the purpose being, to perform the work in the best manner. We should not have the authority of 'I AM' at that time. If there is sense of 'I AM' it is a kind of ego. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 1, Pages 366 - 367. 

Thursday, December 12, 2024


Bhava of Bhagwan is not experienced in spite of many efforts, until there is complete sublimation of subtle ego or 'I' ness. We need to make good use of ego or 'I' ness with knowledge so that it is sublimated from its roots completely. We should also use it to develop Bhava of Bhagwan. This means we need to sublimate 'I' ness, transform it divinely and make good use of it with knowledge. There is no way out without learning this art. 

Our ego is always ready to go with  activities and thoughts of the mind, and with expectations, desires and likings of Prana. Mind and Prana will not gain any ground if we make efforts to try to get free of ego of the Jiva with alertness and awareness. One whose ego is sublimated, Prana and mind cannot meddle with him in Aparaa (lower) Prakruti. Everything happens due to ego. So know that, first the sacrifice of the ego needs to be done at the holy feet of Bhagwan with austerity, self-offering, love and devotion. For this reason, Jiva who wants to do Sadhana should never allow ego to rise within him. People in Sansar will make sarcastic remarks to keep him in Jiva-Nature but he should not be deterred from his path in any ways. Ego is unique. It has thousands of heads and has capacity to grow them as it is being severed. If you cut arms, legs, head and body of ego and throw them far away, they get together and become one. Such are the characteristics and nature of ego in lower Prakruti. So, you should always continue to offer ego at the feet of Bhagwan with love, devotion and knowledge. Wherever it is seen, offer it to Bhagwan right away.. 

How can we 'offer it right away'? It means, pray to Shree Bhagwan with heartfelt sincerity and with sense of urgency (આતૅનાદ) and humility(આદ્રભાવ), that 'Oh Prabhu! be kind and accept this. This is causing lots of distance between you and me, so be kind and take this from this Jiva. I offer this at your holy feet.' If we are true Sadhak and ego of Jiva-Nature is hurting us like a thorn, always there will expression of urgency and humility in our prayers.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 1, Pages 365 - 366.


Thursday, December 5, 2024


 We should never utter by mouth, about good characteristics (Gunas) like mercy, forgiveness, compassion, donations etc., as long as we are in Jiva-Nature meaning we are in the state of duality. Such talk does not dignify us. When Satwik Gunas are expressed in action in the life factually, only at that time in Satwik stage of the Jiva, Gunas like mercy, compassion, forgiveness are expressed in life. Only then these Gunas develop in the form of Shakti (energy) automatically. If we are in Jiva-Nature and say that ' I will keep or develop Bhava of Love due to mercy towards certain Jiva', it suggests lots of one kind of subtle ego. If certain kind of behavior is inspired by mercy within us, believe that there is some thinking that we are of higher category and other person towards whom we have mercy is of lower category. This kind of understanding develops from such sayings. So we shine if we speak, think and write while expressing the knowledge of significance of such sayings and actions. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 1, Page 364.