Thursday, December 12, 2024


Bhava of Bhagwan is not experienced in spite of many efforts, until there is complete sublimation of subtle ego or 'I' ness. We need to make good use of ego or 'I' ness with knowledge so that it is sublimated from its roots completely. We should also use it to develop Bhava of Bhagwan. This means we need to sublimate 'I' ness, transform it divinely and make good use of it with knowledge. There is no way out without learning this art. 

Our ego is always ready to go with  activities and thoughts of the mind, and with expectations, desires and likings of Prana. Mind and Prana will not gain any ground if we make efforts to try to get free of ego of the Jiva with alertness and awareness. One whose ego is sublimated, Prana and mind cannot meddle with him in Aparaa (lower) Prakruti. Everything happens due to ego. So know that, first the sacrifice of the ego needs to be done at the holy feet of Bhagwan with austerity, self-offering, love and devotion. For this reason, Jiva who wants to do Sadhana should never allow ego to rise within him. People in Sansar will make sarcastic remarks to keep him in Jiva-Nature but he should not be deterred from his path in any ways. Ego is unique. It has thousands of heads and has capacity to grow them as it is being severed. If you cut arms, legs, head and body of ego and throw them far away, they get together and become one. Such are the characteristics and nature of ego in lower Prakruti. So, you should always continue to offer ego at the feet of Bhagwan with love, devotion and knowledge. Wherever it is seen, offer it to Bhagwan right away.. 

How can we 'offer it right away'? It means, pray to Shree Bhagwan with heartfelt sincerity and with sense of urgency (આતૅનાદ) and humility(આદ્રભાવ), that 'Oh Prabhu! be kind and accept this. This is causing lots of distance between you and me, so be kind and take this from this Jiva. I offer this at your holy feet.' If we are true Sadhak and ego of Jiva-Nature is hurting us like a thorn, always there will expression of urgency and humility in our prayers.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 1, Pages 365 - 366.