We should never utter by mouth, about good characteristics (Gunas) like mercy, forgiveness, compassion, donations etc., as long as we are in Jiva-Nature meaning we are in the state of duality. Such talk does not dignify us. When Satwik Gunas are expressed in action in the life factually, only at that time in Satwik stage of the Jiva, Gunas like mercy, compassion, forgiveness are expressed in life. Only then these Gunas develop in the form of Shakti (energy) automatically. If we are in Jiva-Nature and say that ' I will keep or develop Bhava of Love due to mercy towards certain Jiva', it suggests lots of one kind of subtle ego. If certain kind of behavior is inspired by mercy within us, believe that there is some thinking that we are of higher category and other person towards whom we have mercy is of lower category. This kind of understanding develops from such sayings. So we shine if we speak, think and write while expressing the knowledge of significance of such sayings and actions.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Yog, Edition 1,
Part 1, Page 364.