Thursday, January 30, 2025


 We perform the received work in the best manner if our life and attention are directed towards Ishwar (God). All karmas are to be offered. It is an insult of Bhagwan if the karmas are done in a half- hazard manner. Offering to Bhagwan is very important to be free from the ego. As for example, some firm has a well trained head clerk and many clerks. They make many deals. They earn thousands and lose thousands but they are not affected by these gains or losses. They work for the owner and the risk is born by the owner of the firm. They do not lose or gain the money. Similarly, if we behave in the worldly dealings like the clerks working for the owner, with knowledge, awareness and devotion; it (that we are not the owner) will spread in every cell of our body. The reason being, if we become instrument and not the owner, nothing is owned by us. 

Ego can be removed with appropriate thoughts.

If our thoughts, dealings and all other karmas are done with the Bhava of offering everything to God and develop Bhava of surrender; our Jiva-nature will be removed from them and we will not have that 'I AM'. We have deep effect of our thoughts and work on us. It is best if we do not have thoughts about it but it is not good if there are no thoughts with dull and Tamas prakruti Jivas. People who have Rajas Prakruti will always have thoughts. Jivas with Satwa Gunas predominance will have steadiness in the thoughts. There will not be any fluctuations and thoughts without any reason. We are shaped by our thoughts. This means, it is necessary to have the thought from within that are absorbed in One.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 1. Pages 374 - 375

Thursday, January 23, 2025


 There are many reasons for developing special kind of personality inspired by layers of ego. These include certain atmosphere around us, certain circumstances, excellence in the intellect, arrogance of the mind, receiving certain advantages in dealings of life, success and prestige gained in life, effects of certain influential people who deal with us etc., Obviously this seems to be gross in nature but in reality these are subtle curtains that are very obstructive in the path of development of life. The reason being, we are completely trapped in the personality of variety of special reasons as mentioned above and we have no knowledge or awareness about it. This kind of vruttie shows its presence in every incidence, every place and there is subtle sense of ego expressed at the time. This needs to be crushed completely every time it shows up. We have false feeling that, it is easy to break the gross but in reality it is quite hard to accomplish. The reason being, we can be separate from lots of other things and observe it but here it is difficult because we have become one with our personality. As mentioned earlier, there are many subtle curtains or layers in an apparent physical layer. So until we are trained and have developed the capacity to go within, and we have developed the strength and Bhava to be completely aware and have balanced mind, we do not have the skill to completely dismantle our personality. Also, we cannot  just pushed aside our personality either. Only when there is complete destruction of this personality, 'I AM' is removed.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 1, Pages 373 - 374.

Thursday, January 16, 2025


 Whatever is within us in the form of energy e.g. intellect, do we own it? Can we use it as we want? We have to break the arrogances of understanding of our thought-energy, intellect-energy, skill of performing work-energyunderstanding-energy etc., We need to break up all such arrogances of understanding. All these type of understandings are not owned by us. It is present everywhere. Chetan is present all over and all these are contained within it. Moreover whatever understanding has come to us, we have received it from someone else. This understanding settled within us because of our appropriate level of understanding. Moreover in someone else it may have settled in a different way. So same energy is distributed and expressed differently in enumerable ways.

If any Jiva keeps even slightest arrogance about any skill set, consider the Jiva as dead. This does not mean that the work is done in half hazard way. Any Karma needs to be done with most appropriate management, artfully, skillfully and with the Bhava in all its aspects. Doership of Karma, its best quality, skill, energy and art do not belong to Jiva. It is expression of  the expansion of Chetan in the atmosphere. So we need to have true understanding regarding its origin, who does it belong to and how it works in the right way, Moreover, it is advantageous to express such Bhava in everything. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 1, Page 373.

Thursday, January 9, 2025


 There are many kinds of arrogance. There is arrogance of understanding, arrogance of intellect, arrogance of skills, arrogance of one's strength, arrogance of wealth, arrogance of pride, arrogance of superior understanding, arrogance of grandeur- carnal pleasures, arrogance of one's beauty, arrogance of skill in dealings etc., All these arrogances need to be removed from our lives. These arrogances do not remove themselves on its own. To remove them there needs to have intense pain in heart from experiencing the obstacles that are responsible for obstructing our progress in life; and at that time we can pray to Prabhu to free us from such obstacles from within us. Ego plays a major part in such arrogances. Because of ego such arrogances stay alive as arrogances.


Our arrogance of understanding may have somewhat weakened, but it needs to be completely removed. Know that, Sadhak needs to create a habit with awareness and knowledge, to let go of the old habit of judging, understanding, believing, considering, accepting and experiencing. Ego plays a major role in our understanding of many things. So, Sadhak sometimes needs to put self in such conditions where the ego receives the blows. When Sadhak is confronted with someone's behavior that can make him angry, his attitude should be 'that this is the time for his development'. If this is done with understanding and there is expression of Bhava and Aanand (genuine happiness) of the heart, it can be worthwhile, bearing such incidence. 

Know for sure that the Jiva who becomes happy when that Jiva receives the blows on the ego, such Jiva will get definitely get free of such things. The Jiva who feels other things than Aananda when confronted with blows to ego and experiences disturbances of mind like lack of peacefulness, conflicts,  uneasiness, anguish etc., know that such Jiva is still immature. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 1, Page 372.

Thursday, January 2, 2025


 Element of Ego is very tough in the life of human beings. It cannot be destroyed without the expression of true heartfelt love. Love is a powerful energy that can lead to mutual oneness. It is possible to feel the nearness. When it is possible to meet, to be one and act as one by the attraction of the love, ego begins to be reduced and sublimated. If there is heartfelt desire to sublimate the ego, it is very necessary that such Bhava of heart is expressed. Then only we can be one. 

This Bhava of Love that is needed in the path of Jivan Sadhana, may be without self-interest, desires or may be with desires, generous and knowledgeable, with the Sanskaras of virtues and additionally it may be without attachments. When our Bhava of Love is associated with everyone with only one desire and it is to wish good of everyone, there is no doubt the result will always be beneficial. This is understandable. 

Thus the easiest path for cleansing of Chitta or ego is Love- Devotion. When there is expression of the small river of Love-Devotion in the heart and when it starts flowing, it will definitely continue to cleanse Vrutties. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 1, Excerpts from Page 371.