We perform the received work in the best manner if our life and attention are directed towards Ishwar (God). All karmas are to be offered. It is an insult of Bhagwan if the karmas are done in a half- hazard manner. Offering to Bhagwan is very important to be free from the ego. As for example, some firm has a well trained head clerk and many clerks. They make many deals. They earn thousands and lose thousands but they are not affected by these gains or losses. They work for the owner and the risk is born by the owner of the firm. They do not lose or gain the money. Similarly, if we behave in the worldly dealings like the clerks working for the owner, with knowledge, awareness and devotion; it (that we are not the owner) will spread in every cell of our body. The reason being, if we become instrument and not the owner, nothing is owned by us.
Ego can be removed with appropriate thoughts.
If our thoughts, dealings and all other karmas are done with the Bhava of offering everything to God and develop Bhava of surrender; our Jiva-nature will be removed from them and we will not have that 'I AM'. We have deep effect of our thoughts and work on us. It is best if we do not have thoughts about it but it is not good if there are no thoughts with dull and Tamas prakruti Jivas. People who have Rajas Prakruti will always have thoughts. Jivas with Satwa Gunas predominance will have steadiness in the thoughts. There will not be any fluctuations and thoughts without any reason. We are shaped by our thoughts. This means, it is necessary to have the thought from within that are absorbed in One.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Yog, Edition 1,
Part 1. Pages 374 - 375