Thursday, February 6, 2025


 When our 'I AM' gets to be less in everything, understand that our ego is getting less. Work cannot be done after thinking about it. There should be inspiration on its own. Work is done by self inspiration. If the ego is getting less, there should be less of chain formation of thoughts. 'I AM' and 'Mine' get to be less.  

Whatever needs to be done is done by inspiration. There should be no expectations or longing. Inner self becomes more conscious meaning work is done by inspiration. There is expression of thoughtlessness. 

Then vruttie of possession or ownership is removed. The vruttie that 'this is Mine' becomes less. One will not get attached to anything. One will experience the reduction of insistences. 

Presently, we feel with intellect that Karma is performed by some form of energy but we actually experience this, only when ego gets to be less. This happens when we have developed divine ego. At such times, there is no guessing, discussion or debate in divine ego. Intellect is guided by faith. There is Bhava of Goodness and Equality in Prana. There is no formation of chain of thoughts. Mind follows whatever springs up in intellect that is inspired by Bhava of Goodness. Mind does not resolve and then think of alternative. 

There is instant comprehension of right understanding. There are no thoughts like ' I will do this, I will do that'. There is instant comprehension regarding all aspects of the work. There is tendency of compromise. There is no way that one will entertain heated arguments. There is development of such tendencies in mind and other inner implements. One would let things happen as it unfolds. 

One of the characteristics of ego is non-insistence. So when one is non-insistent what is the characteristic of the one? Such a Jiva is without desires. Whenever and wherever there are expectations, desires, likings etc., know that we are still in Jiva- Nature and understand that we still have ego. More over, the Jiva who does not have ego, may not have vrutties of possesions, likings, infatuation, arrogance etc.,    

Even if there is feeling of sudden quivering of expectations, desires, thirst of desires etc., in mind but if it does not gather any momentum, know that ego is loosing its strength. Whenever there is experience of complete Sanyaas (Tyaag) of desires of all kinds and in all fields by mind and heart naturally; know, understand and believe that there is complete establishment of Yagna-Bhavna in our lives. There is no place for expectations, desires, thirst for desires, covetousness in the Bhavna of Jivan-Yagna.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 1, Pages 375 - 376.