Thursday, February 20, 2025


 There are three kind of minds. First objective mind (concerned with  things), second subconscious mind  and third causal (karana) mind. We speak as if thay are separate but thay are connected with each other. This is also equally true. 

Subconscious mind is even larger than ocean. Its strength is also enormous. Some Experienced people (Jivan Mukta) say that subconscious mind has many times more power than presently imagined. Parapsychologists also say the same. There is enormous amount of knowledge and energy there. There is a science to reach subconscious mind. 

Most of our thinking is done in objective mind. It is superfluous but touches subconscious mind when it is confused, anxious and agitated. Subconscious mind latches on to the problem. We then get engaged in other work with related thoughts and it appears that we have forgotten the contact with subconscious mind. In fact it is forgotten to some extent or its intensity has gotten less. We may have some awareness regarding the problem according to its intensity. If the problem involves self-interest, it may be remembered longer but it definitely gets milder for us with time. Whatever is caught in subconscious mind does not get milder, in fact it gets stronger. Intuition develops from this. 

Subconscious mind pervades the whole world. Subconscious mind that is present in all the individuals, is the collective subconscious mind of the whole earth. The totality of the society has subconscious mind and our mind is attached to that. Our mind gets information from that mind. We do not understand the workings of these minds. Whatever information it needs, it can get it.

It does not need to demand. Whatever question is stuck in the mind, it (Sub conscious mind of the totality of the society) automatically shows the positive solution. It does not show pros and cons of it. The result comes out as an answer. When there is real intuition, human being starts to act accordingly. He does not think much about it. Some people even do not know that thay are having intuition. If someone has been exploring this, he may recognize it as an intuition.   

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 1, Pages 377 - 378.