Thursday, January 16, 2025


 Whatever is within us in the form of energy e.g. intellect, do we own it? Can we use it as we want? We have to break the arrogances of understanding of our thought-energy, intellect-energy, skill of performing work-energyunderstanding-energy etc., We need to break up all such arrogances of understanding. All these type of understandings are not owned by us. It is present everywhere. Chetan is present all over and all these are contained within it. Moreover whatever understanding has come to us, we have received it from someone else. This understanding settled within us because of our appropriate level of understanding. Moreover in someone else it may have settled in a different way. So same energy is distributed and expressed differently in enumerable ways.

If any Jiva keeps even slightest arrogance about any skill set, consider the Jiva as dead. This does not mean that the work is done in half hazard way. Any Karma needs to be done with most appropriate management, artfully, skillfully and with the Bhava in all its aspects. Doership of Karma, its best quality, skill, energy and art do not belong to Jiva. It is expression of  the expansion of Chetan in the atmosphere. So we need to have true understanding regarding its origin, who does it belong to and how it works in the right way, Moreover, it is advantageous to express such Bhava in everything. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 1, Page 373.