Thursday, May 5, 2011


Harmony of knowledge, aspiration and the spirit behind karma, can be expressed only through actual performance of work.

If there is no living awareness of the surrender of karma to the divine, then karma becomes dull and lifeless. Performing work in this manner is meaningless. The only purpose of karma, whether small or large, is to inspire and kindle the flame of life. All work is to be done to increase the awareness of the purpose, the purpose being the spiritual development of this life. Work needs to be done in a way that decreases the duality in life.

Prana and ego should not be the inspiring forces behind the performance of work, but love and devotion should be guiding, inspiring and expressing themselves in work. Then only is this work for a definite purpose, with the power to shape our lives, provide necessary strength and change our inner being.  Work itself does not have any force, but continuous awareness of the purpose behind the work is the real force.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pokar ( જીવન પોકાર )
Edition 4; page 90