Thursday, May 26, 2011


I have a request to devotees who sit in silence-room to be tolerant and bear with the aquaitances. You will benefit only if you bear this apparent suffering with love and sacrifice. Everybody has to bear the unjust behavior of other people in the society. If it is done with love, then only it leads to your own benefit. It leads to unhappiness if it is done unwillingly. It is BHAKTI if we bear this suffering with love. And you should also believe that this suffering is the result of our past karma and fate. You become happy or unhappy according to the way you approach this ( with love and willingness or as a burden that you have to carry unwillingly ).
It is not proper for someone to complain about this suffering. You should convince your mind  that it is the result of karma and fate. We have to sacrifice for each other in this society, then only society will improve and progress. Quality of life gets better, if this sacrifice is done with love. We do not get any energy if it is done without willingness on our part. Fortunate is the person, who gets this fresh breeze of love in his heart, when the time comes for this kind of sacrifice. You should not go and look for this kind of sacrifice, but when time comes for it, bear it with love. At the same time understand that you are burning your past karmas with that particular person. Anybody who looks for faults in others is ignorant and will be unhappy and repentant.  In fact, you should understand, that these happenings are because of you only.
If you love others, then your life will be filled with tremendous and incomparable joy in this world. But there is nobody in this society who is willing to sacrifice and enjoy this immense joy.

Pujya Shree Mota
Maun akantani kediae ( મૌન એકાંતની કેડીએ )
Edition 1; page 91-92