Thursday, March 15, 2012


 Sadhak needs to have the alertness to realize that any given circumstances is for the development of his              sadhana. With that he will have deeper understanding of the circumstances. He will notice many defects in himself. He will not get any deeper in sadhana if he ignores these defects, does not give much importance to it or does not make any conscious and meaningful effort to correct it. He needs to learn from any and all incidents where he is involved. If he does not learn from it then there is no difference between him and ordinary person, who does the work with the same old routine. There are many mistakes and defects in sadhak that cannot be corrected by just pointing at it or by verbalizing it. In these situations God creates the circumstances where Sadhak can repeatedly see the stubbornness of his nature and his inability to act appropriately because of his defects and mistakes. If sadhak continues to act in the same old way then the whole purpose of these circumstances goes in vain. There is a big difference between bearing the situation and accepting it. There is no development when sadhak bears the situation as there is always an element of separation and this kills the whole purpose of God created circumstances. Sadhak get the full benefit of circumstances when he accepts the circumstances and becomes one with it wholeheartedly. Sadhak needs to face the karma or the circumstances with clear understanding of the purpose behind that karma or circumstances.

                                                                           (  continued )

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Pathaya ( જીવન પાથેય )
Edition 3; pages 61-68.
Compiled in Jivan Sadhana, pages 113 - 117

My two cents ---

Next three blogs also represents  Pujya Shree Mota's writings on karma. It is a practical guide for one to follow in day today life.