Thursday, March 22, 2012


      ( continued )

 Following points need to be remembered.

1)  Bhavna needs to be infused into our karmas so that bhavna can become bright, spirited and always longing for the divine consciousness and is also expressed in real life.

2)  Do not think of anyone ( who comes in your way to sadhana ) else while performing a karma. Anyone else is merely the excuse. Train yourself into believing that whatever happens, happens to reevaluate yourself. Karma is only for the development of life. There is no other purpose of karma.

3)  Sadhak must make a firm decision to correct any mistake that he realizes happened while performing a karma. It is of value only if he makes less and less mistakes over a period of time.

4)  Karma needs to be done with quietude, impartiality and without any haste or entanglement.

5 )  Must have developing faith from experiences that there is somebody standing with the sadhak while he performs the karma.

6 )  Sadhak should not have thoughts after the karma is done. If that happens then he should try to analyze
the mind and find out the reasons behind it. The main reason behind that, is mind's involvement in the karma.  Mind needs to be empty and sadhak has to develop a living awareness and practice to achieve it.

7)  There should be a living bhavna of surrender during beginning, middle and at the end of the karma.

8)  While performing the karma there must be a living awareness ( bhava ) that it is God's work, it is for the benefit of sadhak and it is meant for his transformation. This may be difficult but sadhak needs to keep this bhavna behind the karma.

                                                    ( continued )

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pathaya ( જીવન પાથેય )
Edition 3; pages 61- 68.