Thursday, March 8, 2012


Struggle in sadhana is unavoidable and necessary. Sadhak needs to keep his mind, intelligence, prana etc in higher consciousness. One will always have the reason for variety of thoughts, feelings, irritations and natural tendencies. There will always be incidents with conflicts. Sadhak can learn to separate himself from his own nature and tendencies if he becomes aware ( mindful ) of these tendencies right at the instant that it originates and refuses to build accompanying and connected links in his mind. He needs to develop impartiality and equanimity at that time, while making this effort with knowledge, devotion, and awareness.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan manthan; ( જીવન મંથન ),
Edition 2, pages 124-125.

My two cents ---

The purpose here is to go beyond your nature and develop equanimity.