Thursday, August 28, 2014


Swajan : Mota, it seems a rare event to achieve love that you just described earlier. It appears that we need to develop subtle discretion before embarking to live the life full of love. Otherwise the needed tolerance can turn into burning unhappiness and weakness. How can we avoid attachment while experiencing love?

Pujya Shree Mota : All the occasions and all the people that come in one's contact while performing the duty become the tool for one to experience true love if one has this eagerness to achieve it. It is achieved if one performs all one's actions with awareness, knowledge and keeping the purpose of self improvement all the time. One can progress if the actions are taken just with loving nature but the progress is limited and there is a chance of a set back.

True love is without attachment. It is not true that the subtle distinction between love and attachment is known only to saints. Lots of time the love in ordinary sense is only the attachment. Love is not like bubbly and effervescent liquid that becomes flat in a moment. It is a bhava that flows with depth, quietness, determination and majesty of an ocean. This love has depth as well as expansion. It is even proper to compare it with sky or space since it is all pervading and yet unattached. Attachment throws one on the ground but the love helps to get up. To develop and receive this love is sadhana itself. It is even a misunderstanding to consider it as a part of sadhana. It is sadhana as well as siddhi (accomplishment, final emancipation). It is never possible to act appropriately without this pure vision achieved with non attachment. This appropriate action is mandatory for the one who always wishes good of one's loved ones. At appropriate times one must act with heartfelt sincerity in one's actions.

Pujya Shree Mota
Dampatya bhavna
Edition 5; page 25 - 26.