Thursday, December 30, 2021

True Yagna of offering to God

 It is a very necessary part of sadhana that all kinds of offering is done with Bhava. Every offering physical or subtle need not be done in the same way. It is essential that the offering is done with awareness, devotion and understanding that it is for the love of God and needs to be done with complete detachment, ego, infatuation (MOHA), etc. It is my belief that there is some fault in believing that by giving up large sum of money one can get rid of attachment and ego. It is true Yagna of offering if it is not used for promoting attachment, ego and infatuation; instead used for the purpose of increasing the Bhavna of the sadhana and progress in life with knowledge and awareness. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Manthan

Edition 3; Page 142.

Thursday, December 23, 2021


 Our peace and easiness should not be disturbed by the conflict with someone. We should not create the conflict knowingly and not be the cause of the conflict. We need to be more peaceful and have happy mind with awareness if such conflict happen from some incident without any particular reason. Know that equanimity (SAMATA—સમતા), is not attained without the presence of peace and happiness. We can understand the real reasons of the conflict much better if there is peace, happiness and SAMATA - even to some extent - in us. It will not work to ignore the conflict. Take part in it with enthusiasm and accept it with peace and happiness. Conflict is for our training. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Manthan

Edition 3; Pages 141 - 142.

Thursday, December 16, 2021




June 23, 1952.

It was not possible for you to perform Yagna of Naam-Smaran for 24 hours in the ashram and yet you did not lose peace and happiness. For that, I congratulate you. It is not a small matter to keep impartiality, balanced mind, be peaceful and not let the mind be disturbed even a little bit, when faced with incidents, where the things does not happen our way and expectations. I would be very happy if you write me about such incidents.These incidents are the beauty of life and penance. It develops Bhava in my heart towards you. If we continue to do this, we can experience the grace of the Chetan on us automatically. Having bad feeling in mind, getting angry, feeling of contempt, feeling insulted, feelings getting hurt etc, are like adding Ghee (clarified butter) to the burning coal and igniting the fire. We should become quiet with determination, maintain happiness, peace and balanced mind during such times. These incidents should be taken as the opportunity for the development of the life. If we use these Gunas with awareness, we will realize the strength of these Gunas at the time of its application during such incidents. Do write me about such incidents whenever it happen.  

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Pravesh

Edition 2; Pages 47 - 48.

Thursday, December 9, 2021


 I am telling again that the sadhana can be done by the brave soul. The soul that does sadhana is never overpowered by any kind of difficulties. This may happen in the beginning but the soul continues to face and fight even while being swept away and being drowned. The soul never gives in without a tremendous fight. It is very necessary for the sadhak to reject and deny the tendencies of the sentient nature (Jiva nature). The sadhak must develop balanced mind and equanimity by practice and whenever the tendencies of the Jiva nature arise, never cooperate with them with its help. Sadhak should also pray with heartfelt sincerity and ask for the help/grace of the God.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Sopan

Edition 6; Page 290.

Thursday, December 2, 2021


 There is not much worry and objection in performing the work, if the Bhavna of Shree Prabhu is kept in the mind while starting the work. The Sanskars that result from the work mostly depend upon the status of the mind while performing the work. Not much depends on whether the work is good or bad. For this reason, the soul needs to learn the art of engaging the mind in the Bhavna of Shree Bhagwan by any means. It is easy for the ones who have the mind that is full of Bhavna and feelings. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Pravesh

Edition 2; Pages 189 - 190.