Thursday, December 30, 2021

True Yagna of offering to God

 It is a very necessary part of sadhana that all kinds of offering is done with Bhava. Every offering physical or subtle need not be done in the same way. It is essential that the offering is done with awareness, devotion and understanding that it is for the love of God and needs to be done with complete detachment, ego, infatuation (MOHA), etc. It is my belief that there is some fault in believing that by giving up large sum of money one can get rid of attachment and ego. It is true Yagna of offering if it is not used for promoting attachment, ego and infatuation; instead used for the purpose of increasing the Bhavna of the sadhana and progress in life with knowledge and awareness. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Manthan

Edition 3; Page 142.