Thursday, February 23, 2023


 Even though there is a desire to implement certain things between us, for some reason we fail to implement. The main reason is the lack of intense desire within us. If there is presence of such desire within us, it will not allow us to sit around without taking action regarding that matter. So what should we do to develop such desire. Such a desire already resides in our inner instruments like heart, mind, intellect etc., but it cannot break the the external layers that surround it. Certain things need to be done to break open these layers that surround our desire. We should cultivate goodness towards everyone with contemplation and prayers. At the same time there is need to stop thinking and acting with attachments and hate towards others. We must work towards keeping and maintaining this Bhava with steadiness. If we can do this there is no reason for our desire not to develop wings to fly high in the sky. Once that happens it becomes natural to develop higher life and keep it.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Sandesh

Edition 3; Page 46.