Thursday, April 27, 2023


 We must keep one very important thing in our understanding that whatever vruttie we keep while hearing, thinking, behaving or speaking about anything, we have created our life according to that vruttie. With certainty know, understand and believe this. This matter is a fact and there is no imagination in it. For this reason, we need to be very alert and careful before and during such time of hearing, thinking, speaking, behaving and interacting with others. The Jiva who has firmly determined not to create the negative aspect of Jiva nature in future, such Jiva becomes alert and aware within as soon as he experiences the negative aspect of Jiva nature outside or within. As this practice of being aware becomes creative and effective,  his vision, vruttie and tendencies are expressed within in an appropriate manner by inner instruments like mind and heart. From that moment onwards, the Sadhak starts to live the life appropriately for the progress in his life. 

This beginning of the life of Sadhak at such time is only the first step in sadhana. For this reason we must be alert while talking or listening. If someone comes and talks about someone else indiscriminately, we should explain our viewpoint with love. No matter what happens, we should never provide our ears, mouth and eyes to the negative aspects of of life. 

Know for sure that if we are disturbed with such events and have thoughts regarding that matter, it will definitely will make its impression on us. Similarly, whatever kind of thoughts, vrutties and tendencies spring up in our mind and especially develop its repetition, know for sure, that this will create its Sanskars. The result of such Sanskars is not good and will be there definitely. So it is best sadhana if we can keep mind and other inner instruments in the Bhavna of Shree Bhagwan continuously with love and devotion. This will create such best and higher quality Sanskars within us.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog,  Part 1

Edition 1; Pages 116 - 117.