The root of Karma is our Chitta. Mind, Prana, intellect, Chitta, and Ego are the inner instruments of our body. Any thought that arises in the mind is stored in the Chitta, even though it is not expressed in speech. Whatever you spoke, acted, behaved, conversation you had, work you did, relationship you had, fights you had, spoke good or bad, anything experienced, all go to Chitta. Even if you spoke or worked in physical, subtle or causal way, it all goes to Chitta. Chitta is an open camera. Everything is stored in there. It is called 'our Sanskar'. This stored Sanskar manifests (ઉદયવર્તમાન) in time. This means it springs out and now is called Vruttie. Then this Vruttie is put in action. Now this is the root of the Karma or action.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Yog, Part 1
Edition 1; Page 115.