Thursday, April 6, 2023


Continued from previous blog (1).

 Nothing is useless in the world. The things that the human being considers absolutely bad or evil, it is also not useless; it appears or considered bad or useless, the reason for this belief is that we are used to seeing, believing and using it this way for a long time; otherwise nothing is bad or useless. Everything is full of God and we will have to continue our practice of this Bhavna in our daily interactions in Sansar with firmness, love and devotion. As we continue to pray for His Grace-help with heartfelt humility and sense of urgency, there will be absorption, unanimity and equilibrium in the behavior and actions of our inner and outer dealings. At this stage we will definitely experience the Grace of Shree Prabhu. 

Presently, we do not perform proper evaluation of our mental thoughts with balanced mind (તટસ્થતા). We must understand whatever is not proper with Bhava of love and make an effort and by any means (having vision or art of explaining) make sure that such thoughts do not appear again. All these do not happen appropriately and in right proportion. Presently, it is not possible to accept this with abstract Bhavna. So, we must be alert and do this. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Sandesh

Edition 3; Pages 59 - 60.