Thursday, June 6, 2024


 We have used intellect until now to deal with many kinds of external work, the reason being, our interest and liking for such work. But now we need not perform such work with such interest and liking. Now we should perform work with interest and liking so that there is expression of Samata (equanimity) in the implements (mind, intellect etc.,) of Jiva Nature and such other activities within. Usually we tend to believe that "then the external work will not be done properly and will be spoiled." No, it will not happen that way; until now, our attention was focused outside and when it turns within, it is not that our external attention will go away completely. We see many people performing three or four works simultaneously. We are also aware of people performing one hundred works (Shatavadhani) at the same time. So, while paying attention to perform work within, we should be able to pay attention to outside work due to our previous practice. When we lose an expensive item, our attention is engaged in the lost item till we find it, even then we can talk with others while searching for lost item. This means we can do two or three works even while keeping awareness of the lost item. Similarly, while performing external work, we must keep creative, living, constant awareness of the purpose of development of life. All the attention of our life should be directed, focused and kept within us. Turn thy searchlight (Lamp that provides concentrated light) inwards and use all the energy to cleanse all the impurities of Jiva-Nature. When this happens, there will be realization that external works keep on happening on its own. There is no obvious defects in completion of the works and not only that, the works are done in a better way since there is help and subtle direction of Prabhu. 

So the intellect needs to be used in variety of ways including increasing our eagerness to fulfill goal of our life, to extract the essence of all that is happening around us regarding its usefulness in meeting goal of life, to get inspiration, to deeply observe and analyze with Tatasthata (balanced mind) waves of passion and anger arising in the mind, and inner subtle flow of emotions. Intellect needs to be used to observe all these and analyze them with Tatasthata. It also needs to be used  to reject things that are harmful in Sadhana. It is used to encourage inner favorable elements and use it in Sadhana; to keep awareness that not to take interest or act in outer experiences and incidents. We need to use intellect to feel and enjoy the presence of genuine happiness (Aananda) in the tools of the path of Sadhana.

Pujya Shree Mota

jIvan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 2, Pages 53 - 54.