Thursday, June 13, 2024


 Whatever happens and whatever we do, the root is within our mind, intellect, prana, chitta and ego. Even they are in flowing fluid condition. Whenever some kind of tendency (vruttie) arises, the root the tendency is in Sanskaras (old impressions in chitta). These Sanskaras are also within us. So, it is not exaggeration to train this tendency with understanding. If we start believing excessively that what is not real (practical) and false, we understand it as real, it is not like that also. Our intellect is satisfied that it is alright. What happens after believing like this? What is the result? Our tendency to look for faults of others becomes less. What did other person do? Every human being has habit of looking for someone else's faults, vrutties, actions and nature. Everyone thinks more of someone else than themselves. They hardly think about themselves. Mostly Jiva thinks and evaluates others only. So, first the Jiva needs to be convinced intellectually that the root of everything is within him.

So, if we are convinced intellectually that root of everything is within us, we are pliable to the idea of reducing 'staying outside' and increasing 'staying within.' If mind, intellect, prana, chitta and ego try to find faults of others, we can say that," brother, all these talks are not appropriate. You think of others but the root is within you. You start thinking about yourself! What is the meaning of you thinking about others? This activity of yours is useless and false. There is no reality in it. If there is reality, it is that whatever you see outside, the root is within you and you should start thinking about yourself." In this way, we should remind our mind, intellect etc., repeatedly, This leads to increase in our 'staying within'. When 'staying within' increases, there is reduction in 'staying without'. This would also lead to reduction of the time our mind, intellect etc., going out and increasingly will start working within.

When this practice matures and solidifies, we will be staying within increasingly.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 1, Page 55 - 56.