Thursday, September 12, 2024


 In spiritual field we must make all kinds of efforts without consideration of the results. The reason being, the result comes after very long time. The result that comes in short segments is not the real and final result. So, give up the desire for the results. When there is development of concentration in these efforts, many kind of good qualities develop within us. After concentration, we need many other good qualities  like genuine happiness, patience, courage, daring etc., in our base to make progress. We need the strength of all these good qualities to make progress. Concentration develops and supports all these good qualities. Concentration in the worldly affairs develops these good qualities but to very small extent. So, what is the reason? Concentration that develops in worldly affairs is limited and confined to only particular work that has come our way or we have chosen to perform it. Concentration spreads in the spiritual field while in worldly affairs it does not spread and it is confined to only that particular work. As we progress in spiritual field, concentration keeps on expanding and this leads to increase in good qualities within us. Strength of the concentration does not get limited but it increases as it expands. Same is true for the good qualities. As good qualities (Gunas) expand, there is increase in its strength.  This matter is worth knowing. We usually do not remember or think about it.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 2,

Edition 1, Pages 66 - 67.