Thursday, September 5, 2024


 There is difficulty in throughly understanding the bases of the concentration. This means, if we sit in prayers and concentration is achieved or happened, all is done for that time. We should try to practice this concentration in other daily routine work. Concentration develops at a faster pace if we keep and use the developed concentration to achieve further progress in our  work. Our work also becomes of better quality. Since this was not given much importance in past, people started believing that if we do prayers or other spiritual practices in the morning, it is proper and our work is done. But this is not proper. Whatever concentration is developed you must engage it in your work that comes your way and in this manner develop concentration more and more. Ordinarily there is a routine in the morning but it should not be like 'this far and no further.' We must engage concentration in our daily work. This leads to depth in our work, increased enthusiasm, development of good qualities and development of concentration. 

It is proper if concentration is used in physical work and worldly routine work. It does give appropriate results. But when it is used in higher stages of development, our mind, intellect etc., are used to expect results. This is a very bad habit of mind, intellect etc., They pay lots of attention to immediate results. They think "What happened? Did the result come? We worked so hard but what did we earn?"

Our people said "that even in physical work, do not worry for the results. You continue to work and result is certain. Why do you worry? It is not that there is no result. You continue to make efforts for what ever work needs to be done by you." You will loose the interest if you look for the results in spiritual field. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 2

Edition 1, Pages 65 - 66.