Thursday, August 29, 2024


 We just talked about concentration mainly for our need. At the same time, we develop concentration while performing our daily worldly tasks and this concentration does not  confine itself just for that work. This concentration spreads and touches our inner implements like mind, intellect etc. and creates more depth in our understanding. This means, if we want to discuss or understand anything there will not be any superficiality in that understanding. This focus will remove all superficiality and inspire us to think about the deeper meaning and all circumstantial aspects of the situation. If we understand this deeper meaning, we tend to act accordingly. Concentration in performing the work provides us with understanding and visualization of all the aspects of the work (like this needs to be done this way) and not only that it also provides us with creative aspects of all the work. This provides inspiration to our mind, intellect and prana. Nothing can give us more enthusiasm, patience and courage like concentration. 

Concentration inspires determination, firmness, strength and patience within us. It also inspires us to develop many other virtues and provides courage. There may be a question like, when will we develop concentration? It will happen only when there is heartfelt self-interest, perseverance and genuine effort made to accomplish the work. Otherwise it will not happen. This is also equally true. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 2

Edition 1, Page 63 - 64.