Thursday, August 15, 2024


 Actually Concentration is connected to Atma. It is one nature of Atma. It is one characteristic of Atma. If we talk about Atma now, it is out of place, the reason being, presently we are talking only about simple and easy problem of concentration. We are talking about practical application of concentration even for the simplest work at home like preparing tea. If we keep concentration in making tea that is being prepared, it will be of best quality. It is not that concentration enters the tea e.g if we are preparing food, concentration will not enter in the food. It is not that food will become tastier, but the work will be done in best manner depending upon our precision, order and appropriateness. The end result is better quality of work. If we create habit to focus our attention in the small items, there is increased possibility to express it in larger and complicated work. We need to learn and develop concentrating in frontyard of our homes, from the time when we took our first step out of the home. When one learns to focus at this stage, one can do lots of important work nicely with ease in their adult hood. There are many examples of this in this world. Many people in past have such history. When one has power to focus, one never looses patience and courage. One continues to make efforts even at the times of despair. One of the secrets of concentration is that it never leaves without completely understanding the deeper meaning of the things that are focused on.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 2

Edition 1, Pages 62 - 63.