Thursday, August 1, 2024


 Concentration does not flourish without deep interest (Rasa, રસ). First there must be deep interest at the root. It does not mean that Rasa is present because of concentration. Concentration is present because of Rasa. There is some mutual interdependence. Without Rasa, concentration is not possible so Rasa is needed at the root or the base.

We have Rasa in watching a play. There is music in the play and we like that music very much. We have Rasa in it. This means we get concentrated because of Rasa. We do not get concentrated on its own. If someone does not like music, that person will not be able to concentrate in the music.  

We cannot appreciate the deeper meaning of the subject without being concentrated. We do need peace and composure to experience specific subject. Concentration is for that purpose. This does not mean concentration is 'needed' but if we want to understand the deeper meaning of the subject, concentration is needed. We will not be able to grasp the deeper meaning without fully concentrated in the subject. We also need complete peace and composure to enter the subject. This is of equal importance also. Concentration is also needed for that also.

The real purpose of concentration is for this reason. Whatever subject we want to experience, we should be able to master and experience it by understanding its deeper meaning. We should be able to use and enjoy it.  

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 2,

Pages 59 - 60.