Thursday, August 8, 2024


 First, if we examine the root of concentration, we find that it does not develop without necessity, self interest or some kind of eagerness. It is easy to develop concentration in worldly affairs. If we have developed self interest in something and feel that we must have that or this must be done as it is very necessary and important to us; concentration develops automatically in us. Secondly, there are some people who are very patient. If they accept that whatever circumstances are presented to them are for their own benefit and if they have self-interest in that, they can develop concentration also. On the other hand, there are people who get nervous when presented with difficult circumstances. Their intellect gets confused and unsteady. Such individuals can never develop concentration. They develop fear. Human beings are not fearful when concentration is developed. They become worry free and because of presence of concentration, the solution of the problem is found faster and automatically. The Jiva that develops concentration in the work is blessed and very happy. But there must be self interest in the work. Concentration will not happen on its own. Automatic natural concentration develops in a rare person, may be one in a million persons, and that may be in a realized soul. Ordinary people will have to make an effort but who will be successful in developing concentration? The person who has self interest and need will be able to develop concentration for that self interest, and that also not without hard work. It will not be achieved without hard work unless there is great desire and eagerness like a bird who wants to fly high in the sky. Concentration will be achieved faster and deeper if there is such desire and eagerness. This will lead to quicker solution of the problem or solving the glitches in the work and not only that work is done better and with ease. It puts us in right track. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 2

Edition 1, Pages 60 - 61.