Thursday, August 22, 2024


 Concentration is not present alone just by itself. There are several other good qualities connected with concentration. When there is presence of concentration, these good qualities also flourish automatically. It is like, when there is someone in our family is experienced, wealthy, respectable or influential, everyone in family is affected in someways by such a person. We also get the support and help of many kinds. Similarly, if we develop concentration, other associated good qualities are expressed within us and because of that our life development takes place.  If there are no good qualities, life development does not take place. 

For this reason, we should develop as much concentration as we can, in a given work that we have taken responsibility for. This is the best, easy and non complicated way to be successful in the work. Lots of people do the work but they do it in half hazard way. 

We need to study all aspects of the work that we want to accomplish and then prepare to deal with each and every aspect of the work individually. This preparation is just not confined to the mind but also includes all active practical preparation. When such active practical preparation is done in the work, there is lot of ease while performing the work. All such ideas and instant comprehension (સૂઝ) are present because we have achieved focus in the work. 

So, if we want to succeed in any work and breeze through the work, concentration in the work is essential, very essential and important.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 2

Edition 1, Page 63.