Thursday, September 19, 2024


 There are two kind of movements in Prana: lower movement and higher movement. When can Prana have higher movement? When inner implements like mind, intellect, Prana, chitta  and ego are engaged in the constant efforts and provides the force for the higher movement. Ego does not have its own decision. Similarly mind does not decide either. Intellect is the one who makes the decision. Prana provides the energy for the movement. The field of decision making belongs to intellect. 

How can the field of Intellect move to higher level? When intellect practices more  contemplation (Manan and Chintan), it moves at a higher level and so does the mind. This touch of higher movement is first felt by the intellect. Prana can have a higher movement only after being touched by the illuminated intellect. This is the difference. For the lower kind of movement Prana comes first and intellect follows. In higher movement, first there is intellectual grasp (acceptance by intellect). We have essential knowledge that ' this is right, other thing is not correct and there is certainty of the reality of the decision.' Intellect becomes aware of the decision and then Prana follows intellect. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 1

Edition 1, Pages 354 - 355.