Thursday, August 29, 2024


 We just talked about concentration mainly for our need. At the same time, we develop concentration while performing our daily worldly tasks and this concentration does not  confine itself just for that work. This concentration spreads and touches our inner implements like mind, intellect etc. and creates more depth in our understanding. This means, if we want to discuss or understand anything there will not be any superficiality in that understanding. This focus will remove all superficiality and inspire us to think about the deeper meaning and all circumstantial aspects of the situation. If we understand this deeper meaning, we tend to act accordingly. Concentration in performing the work provides us with understanding and visualization of all the aspects of the work (like this needs to be done this way) and not only that it also provides us with creative aspects of all the work. This provides inspiration to our mind, intellect and prana. Nothing can give us more enthusiasm, patience and courage like concentration. 

Concentration inspires determination, firmness, strength and patience within us. It also inspires us to develop many other virtues and provides courage. There may be a question like, when will we develop concentration? It will happen only when there is heartfelt self-interest, perseverance and genuine effort made to accomplish the work. Otherwise it will not happen. This is also equally true. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 2

Edition 1, Page 63 - 64.

Thursday, August 22, 2024


 Concentration is not present alone just by itself. There are several other good qualities connected with concentration. When there is presence of concentration, these good qualities also flourish automatically. It is like, when there is someone in our family is experienced, wealthy, respectable or influential, everyone in family is affected in someways by such a person. We also get the support and help of many kinds. Similarly, if we develop concentration, other associated good qualities are expressed within us and because of that our life development takes place.  If there are no good qualities, life development does not take place. 

For this reason, we should develop as much concentration as we can, in a given work that we have taken responsibility for. This is the best, easy and non complicated way to be successful in the work. Lots of people do the work but they do it in half hazard way. 

We need to study all aspects of the work that we want to accomplish and then prepare to deal with each and every aspect of the work individually. This preparation is just not confined to the mind but also includes all active practical preparation. When such active practical preparation is done in the work, there is lot of ease while performing the work. All such ideas and instant comprehension (સૂઝ) are present because we have achieved focus in the work. 

So, if we want to succeed in any work and breeze through the work, concentration in the work is essential, very essential and important.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 2

Edition 1, Page 63.

Thursday, August 15, 2024


 Actually Concentration is connected to Atma. It is one nature of Atma. It is one characteristic of Atma. If we talk about Atma now, it is out of place, the reason being, presently we are talking only about simple and easy problem of concentration. We are talking about practical application of concentration even for the simplest work at home like preparing tea. If we keep concentration in making tea that is being prepared, it will be of best quality. It is not that concentration enters the tea e.g if we are preparing food, concentration will not enter in the food. It is not that food will become tastier, but the work will be done in best manner depending upon our precision, order and appropriateness. The end result is better quality of work. If we create habit to focus our attention in the small items, there is increased possibility to express it in larger and complicated work. We need to learn and develop concentrating in frontyard of our homes, from the time when we took our first step out of the home. When one learns to focus at this stage, one can do lots of important work nicely with ease in their adult hood. There are many examples of this in this world. Many people in past have such history. When one has power to focus, one never looses patience and courage. One continues to make efforts even at the times of despair. One of the secrets of concentration is that it never leaves without completely understanding the deeper meaning of the things that are focused on.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 2

Edition 1, Pages 62 - 63.

Thursday, August 8, 2024


 First, if we examine the root of concentration, we find that it does not develop without necessity, self interest or some kind of eagerness. It is easy to develop concentration in worldly affairs. If we have developed self interest in something and feel that we must have that or this must be done as it is very necessary and important to us; concentration develops automatically in us. Secondly, there are some people who are very patient. If they accept that whatever circumstances are presented to them are for their own benefit and if they have self-interest in that, they can develop concentration also. On the other hand, there are people who get nervous when presented with difficult circumstances. Their intellect gets confused and unsteady. Such individuals can never develop concentration. They develop fear. Human beings are not fearful when concentration is developed. They become worry free and because of presence of concentration, the solution of the problem is found faster and automatically. The Jiva that develops concentration in the work is blessed and very happy. But there must be self interest in the work. Concentration will not happen on its own. Automatic natural concentration develops in a rare person, may be one in a million persons, and that may be in a realized soul. Ordinary people will have to make an effort but who will be successful in developing concentration? The person who has self interest and need will be able to develop concentration for that self interest, and that also not without hard work. It will not be achieved without hard work unless there is great desire and eagerness like a bird who wants to fly high in the sky. Concentration will be achieved faster and deeper if there is such desire and eagerness. This will lead to quicker solution of the problem or solving the glitches in the work and not only that work is done better and with ease. It puts us in right track. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 2

Edition 1, Pages 60 - 61. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024


 Concentration does not flourish without deep interest (Rasa, રસ). First there must be deep interest at the root. It does not mean that Rasa is present because of concentration. Concentration is present because of Rasa. There is some mutual interdependence. Without Rasa, concentration is not possible so Rasa is needed at the root or the base.

We have Rasa in watching a play. There is music in the play and we like that music very much. We have Rasa in it. This means we get concentrated because of Rasa. We do not get concentrated on its own. If someone does not like music, that person will not be able to concentrate in the music.  

We cannot appreciate the deeper meaning of the subject without being concentrated. We do need peace and composure to experience specific subject. Concentration is for that purpose. This does not mean concentration is 'needed' but if we want to understand the deeper meaning of the subject, concentration is needed. We will not be able to grasp the deeper meaning without fully concentrated in the subject. We also need complete peace and composure to enter the subject. This is of equal importance also. Concentration is also needed for that also.

The real purpose of concentration is for this reason. Whatever subject we want to experience, we should be able to master and experience it by understanding its deeper meaning. We should be able to use and enjoy it.  

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 2,

Pages 59 - 60.