"Shree Krishna Sharanam Mamah" ( શ્રી કૃષણ શરણં મમઃ ) is a prayer and there should be no objection in repeating it continuously. But you must have the constant aspiration and awareness in your heart about your surrender to Shree Krishna. You should not imagine certain statue or picture in your mind or psyche as soon as you utter the word Krishna. There should be certain live awareness of surrender. Some people imagine Krishna surrounded by cows or playing flute or in any other forms that has been seen earlier or traditionally passed down the generations. This is not appropriate for us.
Heart is the place where living awareness ( ભાવ ) originates and if you want to experience the formless aspect of the divine, then you should not engage in this play of imagination. At the same time it is not appropriate for you to create conflict in the mind of persons who feels this way ( play of imagination ). That way is good for them. So Krishna is an abstract word. We should have live awareness of surrendering our mind, intelligence, psyche, prana and all other aspect of our body including heart when the word Shree Krishna is spoken.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Sandesh ( જીવન સંદેશ )
Page 12
Compiled in Nirantar vikas ( િનરંતર િવકાસ ) Sept 29.

Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Somebody asked me " what is the use of God if he is swayed or flattered by hearing his praise ". I answered " so you think the purpose of singing praise of God is to flatter him?". He said " yes ". I answered " than don't do it ".
Bhajan is the way to reduce infatuation and hate ( રાગદૃેષ ), anger etc and to have goodness towards all. Everything is an expression of God. So why get angry. Bhajan means developing equanimity, being good to all and actually behaving with these attributes. It is not bhajan if you remember Him for one or two hours in a day and then behave in contrary manner for rest of the day. Whatever you do, needs to be done with cooperation of others and not with your whimsical mind. Excellent work will be done if it done with love, cooperation and with harmony. We will feel distant from divine consciousness and loose harmony if the work is not done in this manner.
If you keep harmony with the people you come in contact in this world, that in itself is bhajan. So please at least do this. Harmony of heart is very important as it benefits us in variety of ways. Disagreements and difficulties that arise out of each others nature and money problems will be helped for sure. It is useless to keep any relationship with me if you cannot even do this much ( keep harmony ). If you want to succeed in the worldly affairs, human relationship and business ; harmony is the key. There is no question of feeling small or not important when you deal with your family or loved ones. Have patience. Every problem has a solution. I tell this to every one; not just to you in particular.
Harmony is also as important in dealing with our five instruments of action ( કરણો ) mind, intelligence, psyche ( ચિ-ત ), life force ( પ્રાણ ) and ego. Of course it is very difficult to do this as they have their own field of action and keep fighting with each other. To maintain harmony among these, only tool we have is to sing devotional songs; and then only we can transform our natural tendencies.
Pujya Shree Mota
Maun mandirma pran-pratistha. ( મૌનમંદિરમાં પ્રાણપ્રતિષઠા )
Edition-1; page 10-11
Bhajan is the way to reduce infatuation and hate ( રાગદૃેષ ), anger etc and to have goodness towards all. Everything is an expression of God. So why get angry. Bhajan means developing equanimity, being good to all and actually behaving with these attributes. It is not bhajan if you remember Him for one or two hours in a day and then behave in contrary manner for rest of the day. Whatever you do, needs to be done with cooperation of others and not with your whimsical mind. Excellent work will be done if it done with love, cooperation and with harmony. We will feel distant from divine consciousness and loose harmony if the work is not done in this manner.
If you keep harmony with the people you come in contact in this world, that in itself is bhajan. So please at least do this. Harmony of heart is very important as it benefits us in variety of ways. Disagreements and difficulties that arise out of each others nature and money problems will be helped for sure. It is useless to keep any relationship with me if you cannot even do this much ( keep harmony ). If you want to succeed in the worldly affairs, human relationship and business ; harmony is the key. There is no question of feeling small or not important when you deal with your family or loved ones. Have patience. Every problem has a solution. I tell this to every one; not just to you in particular.
Harmony is also as important in dealing with our five instruments of action ( કરણો ) mind, intelligence, psyche ( ચિ-ત ), life force ( પ્રાણ ) and ego. Of course it is very difficult to do this as they have their own field of action and keep fighting with each other. To maintain harmony among these, only tool we have is to sing devotional songs; and then only we can transform our natural tendencies.
Pujya Shree Mota
Maun mandirma pran-pratistha. ( મૌનમંદિરમાં પ્રાણપ્રતિષઠા )
Edition-1; page 10-11
Thursday, December 16, 2010
We human beings are even not aware that we should live like human beings. Do not see each others deficiencies and even if you happen to see it, do not store in your mind. Live in harmony. Reduce the forces of attachment, jealousy, desires, anger, pride and covetousness etc. No body does any of these. It will be a matter of great respect if it is done. From this view point we human beings are worse than animals. So when you come to ashram, bring with you the quest to improve the life to it's best and appreciate the gift and value of human body. We should not come to ashram with the same old talk and gossip especially on tuesday, a day of prayer. It makes no sense if you are not going to think about human life. The purpose of this place is to elevate the lives of people that come here due to destiny, into higher consciousness. Ashram is established for this purpose only, by the grace of my guru-maharaj. I desire your relationship but if you are not going to change yourself or your beliefs, than I do not need that kind of relationship. It is useless to keep relationship with me if you are going to follow same circle of attachment and jealousy.
" How will you support your ashram if you advise like that " some one may ask. My life does not depend on the ashram. I will close the ashram if it is not supported, so stop thinking about it. Stay in the same living awareness ( bhava, ભાવ ) from the time you leave your home to the time you return. People talk all sorts of mundane things when they visit the temple. It is useless to come to ashram that way. It is much better if you do not visit the ashram at all. It is meaningless to come to ashram if you are not going to recite God's name, change your nature and develop the strength to let go for each other in the society.
Pujya Shree Mota
Maun mandir no murm ( માૈન મંદિરનો મમૅ )
Edition-1, page 17-18
" How will you support your ashram if you advise like that " some one may ask. My life does not depend on the ashram. I will close the ashram if it is not supported, so stop thinking about it. Stay in the same living awareness ( bhava, ભાવ ) from the time you leave your home to the time you return. People talk all sorts of mundane things when they visit the temple. It is useless to come to ashram that way. It is much better if you do not visit the ashram at all. It is meaningless to come to ashram if you are not going to recite God's name, change your nature and develop the strength to let go for each other in the society.
Pujya Shree Mota
Maun mandir no murm ( માૈન મંદિરનો મમૅ )
Edition-1, page 17-18
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Devotee : " I have lots of conflict with my family due to my nature! I do not know how to handle this. Because of that I have to face many unpleasant situations".
Pujya Shree Mota : " Look, if you cannot cooperate with heartfelt awareness with the person who is your life partner, then how do you expect to do anything for God? You must understand with heartfelt awareness that the purpose of the incidents is to remove the feeling of unpleasantness towards your life partner. One who wants to live happily in this life, always remembers the purpose behind the works or actions that comes his way; the purpose being development of spiritual life. He then uses this to his advantage with complete knowledge and awareness of the purpose".
Pujya Shree Mota
Conversations with Shree Mota ( શ્રી માેટા સાથે વાતાૅલાપ )
Edition 2, Page 107
Pujya Shree Mota : " Look, if you cannot cooperate with heartfelt awareness with the person who is your life partner, then how do you expect to do anything for God? You must understand with heartfelt awareness that the purpose of the incidents is to remove the feeling of unpleasantness towards your life partner. One who wants to live happily in this life, always remembers the purpose behind the works or actions that comes his way; the purpose being development of spiritual life. He then uses this to his advantage with complete knowledge and awareness of the purpose".
Pujya Shree Mota
Conversations with Shree Mota ( શ્રી માેટા સાથે વાતાૅલાપ )
Edition 2, Page 107
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Whenever your mind starts to see and think falsehood and goes astray, you must understand that your mind is not peaceful, relaxed and in joyous status. Whenever it is not centered, then only it starts to see faults in others. We want to live in constant state of awareness. So as soon as there is loss of peace and equanimity, there is break in state of awareness. Moreover if you have developed even a little bit of focus and concentration, there is immediate loss of this too. For this reason it is ideal training to keep goodwill and goodness towards all, thus helping us to keep centered.
If someone asks " why should we consider a thief as a good person". To think that thief has only bad qualities is wrong. He also has traces of goodness and can also have good qualities and virtues. So when you think of him as a thief and touch that part of him; he also has negative feelings towards you. Even if you see these bad qualities in his nature; you must also see and appreciate his other good qualities. Only this will increase goodness in you. This training is our biggest asset.
If we think only goodness about others, no matter what others thinks of us, is the most positive force that can help in developing our spiritual life. So if we train our mind with this knowledge; than others will not have negative thoughts that can disturb the peace in our mind. It is important to keep mind centered, stopping it from going astray, and bring it back if goes astray. Pray in your heart and continue doing this experiment with complete awareness in your mind. True understanding and self confidence towards developing spiritual life comes from this experiment when done with inner knowledge and awareness. When this kind of self confidence develops, than only you can bring back the mind under control when it goes astray.
When we experiment with mind, we may get setbacks, yet it is never discouraging. When we have made a firm and irrevocable decision to do certain works ( develop spiritual life ) then any straying from the purpose should be an indication that mind is not centered and that position of mind is not conducive to the progress in sadhana. We must know and understand this by heart.
While performing any action, do not brood over too much. Whatever needs to be done, do it as an offering to God. Always work towards making mind carefree, content, peaceful and joyous so it can concentrate and be centered at whatever tool it is practicing, and that in itself is sadhana.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pravash ( જીવન પ્રવેશ )
Edition-2, Page 70-71
If someone asks " why should we consider a thief as a good person". To think that thief has only bad qualities is wrong. He also has traces of goodness and can also have good qualities and virtues. So when you think of him as a thief and touch that part of him; he also has negative feelings towards you. Even if you see these bad qualities in his nature; you must also see and appreciate his other good qualities. Only this will increase goodness in you. This training is our biggest asset.
If we think only goodness about others, no matter what others thinks of us, is the most positive force that can help in developing our spiritual life. So if we train our mind with this knowledge; than others will not have negative thoughts that can disturb the peace in our mind. It is important to keep mind centered, stopping it from going astray, and bring it back if goes astray. Pray in your heart and continue doing this experiment with complete awareness in your mind. True understanding and self confidence towards developing spiritual life comes from this experiment when done with inner knowledge and awareness. When this kind of self confidence develops, than only you can bring back the mind under control when it goes astray.
When we experiment with mind, we may get setbacks, yet it is never discouraging. When we have made a firm and irrevocable decision to do certain works ( develop spiritual life ) then any straying from the purpose should be an indication that mind is not centered and that position of mind is not conducive to the progress in sadhana. We must know and understand this by heart.
While performing any action, do not brood over too much. Whatever needs to be done, do it as an offering to God. Always work towards making mind carefree, content, peaceful and joyous so it can concentrate and be centered at whatever tool it is practicing, and that in itself is sadhana.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pravash ( જીવન પ્રવેશ )
Edition-2, Page 70-71
Thursday, November 25, 2010
So far we have discussed Pujya Shree Mota's guidance regarding the deeper meaning of living a spiritual life (sadhana). The verses included in these 18 points need to be read, understood and followed in your daily life with sincerity and devotion.
From this point on I will be translating interesting and important paragraphs from Pujya Shree Mota's writings. Late Dr. Rameshbhai M. Bhatt compiled some of Pujya Shree Mota's writings in the Gujarati book "Nirantar Vikas." I intend to translate some writings from this book as well.
I would appreciate your feedback regarding this format of translation.
As soon as a thought arises in the mind, the first order of business is to identify its nature and root cause. If it happens to be a negative thought, arising out of your natural tendencies, then you must develop the courage and spirit of adventure to abandon that thought. If you master the art of identifying the nature and root cause of each thought, then you will get tremendous insight, force and inspiration. We have to play with the mind at the same time that we're taking its help. The mind has tremendous powers and is very skillful. The mind is our friend if we get its help in a constructive manner, with confidence and peace.
The mind has unimaginable powers to conquer, assimilate and achieve the most miraculous results. The mind is a powerful tool to experience oneness, sympathy and sincerity with the universe. In a way, the mind's powers are manifestations of the mystic powers of nature. At the same time these powers are a part of God's wonderful expressions. So by taking the mind's help, we can enter the divine consciousness of knowledge and wisdom.
The mind needs to be reminded of its purpose. At times, it should be stirred up and then made coherent and cohesive. If we do these things, then success will come. We should be a witness to our mind while performing all the work in our life. It is also important to have the knowledge and awareness that there is no other way without being a witness to your mind.
We should not suppress the fancy of our mind, but we should not become entangled in it either. We should not be swept up in its currents, but inertia and lethargy are not acceptable either.
Pujya Shree Mota
"jivan mandaan" ( જીવન મંડાણ )
Edition 3 ; page 31-32
From this point on I will be translating interesting and important paragraphs from Pujya Shree Mota's writings. Late Dr. Rameshbhai M. Bhatt compiled some of Pujya Shree Mota's writings in the Gujarati book "Nirantar Vikas." I intend to translate some writings from this book as well.
I would appreciate your feedback regarding this format of translation.
As soon as a thought arises in the mind, the first order of business is to identify its nature and root cause. If it happens to be a negative thought, arising out of your natural tendencies, then you must develop the courage and spirit of adventure to abandon that thought. If you master the art of identifying the nature and root cause of each thought, then you will get tremendous insight, force and inspiration. We have to play with the mind at the same time that we're taking its help. The mind has tremendous powers and is very skillful. The mind is our friend if we get its help in a constructive manner, with confidence and peace.
The mind has unimaginable powers to conquer, assimilate and achieve the most miraculous results. The mind is a powerful tool to experience oneness, sympathy and sincerity with the universe. In a way, the mind's powers are manifestations of the mystic powers of nature. At the same time these powers are a part of God's wonderful expressions. So by taking the mind's help, we can enter the divine consciousness of knowledge and wisdom.
The mind needs to be reminded of its purpose. At times, it should be stirred up and then made coherent and cohesive. If we do these things, then success will come. We should be a witness to our mind while performing all the work in our life. It is also important to have the knowledge and awareness that there is no other way without being a witness to your mind.
We should not suppress the fancy of our mind, but we should not become entangled in it either. We should not be swept up in its currents, but inertia and lethargy are not acceptable either.
Pujya Shree Mota
"jivan mandaan" ( જીવન મંડાણ )
Edition 3 ; page 31-32
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Action itself is not important.
What is important is the constant and continuous awareness of life's purpose behind the action, while performing the action.
My two cents ----
This is the last of the 18 verses written by Pujya Shree Mota. These verses give us the blue print for living a spiritual life. If these verses are put into practice, progress is sure to come in your life. The grace of Pujya Shree Mota is always there and you can count on it.
At one of Pujya Shree Mota's discourses a devotee asked "Are there any rites, rituals or methods to doing Sadhana ( living spiritual life )?"
Pujya Shree Mota replied "While performing actions, you should have a living awareness of God's presence in your heart, with knowledge and devotion. Remember the purpose of performing actions is to shape and improve yourself. Moreover, all actions are dedicated to God and are done in the spirit of offering. At the same time there should be complete harmony and cooperation of mind and other parts of the body (like intelligence, prana etc). This is the method of Sadhana."
There is no Sadhana particularly separate from life itself.
What is important is the constant and continuous awareness of life's purpose behind the action, while performing the action.
My two cents ----
This is the last of the 18 verses written by Pujya Shree Mota. These verses give us the blue print for living a spiritual life. If these verses are put into practice, progress is sure to come in your life. The grace of Pujya Shree Mota is always there and you can count on it.
At one of Pujya Shree Mota's discourses a devotee asked "Are there any rites, rituals or methods to doing Sadhana ( living spiritual life )?"
Pujya Shree Mota replied "While performing actions, you should have a living awareness of God's presence in your heart, with knowledge and devotion. Remember the purpose of performing actions is to shape and improve yourself. Moreover, all actions are dedicated to God and are done in the spirit of offering. At the same time there should be complete harmony and cooperation of mind and other parts of the body (like intelligence, prana etc). This is the method of Sadhana."
There is no Sadhana particularly separate from life itself.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
See the positive side of everything and everybody.
Do not judge others ; Do not rush to give your opinion on any subject.
Do not engage in unnecessary arguments and insist that your viewpoint is right ; Instill auspicious sense of purpose into others ; Express all pervading generosity in your life ; Develop abundance of living awareness of love ( bhava ).
Remember that you have to transform the human nature ; Keep that in mind and act to overcome it ; Develop detachment to the results your work.
Convince your self that root cause of injustice and unhappiness is within you ; Intensify loving awareness of love and devotion for your Guru ; Develop triune ( like mixing waters of Ganga, Jamuna and Saraswati ) of aspiration, denial ( of undivine ) and surrender to God ; Always be happy and spread happiness.
Experience the twins of divine grace and your effort in life ; Remember God at the beginning, middle and and at the end of all your actions ; Quiet the mind.
Be alert to abolish attachments and hate in you ; If you have spiritual experiences express it in your daily life.
Do not run away from this life ; Accept with your own free will whatever comes your way as a gift from God.
Do not try to compare anybody ; Favorable or adverse circumstances is a myth and delusion created by mind ; Everything is always helpful for spiritual life.
Have passion and excitement to be silent instrument of God.
My two cents ---
In this particular section Pujya Shree Mota explains do's and don'ts for the spiritual life. It sounds like a tall order to follow. At the same time it is very practical. We try to follow as much as we can but fall short to achieve the goal. In the words of Pujya Shree Mota "you need aspiration like a erupting volcano". Then only it is possible to achieve the goal.
Pujya Shree Mota has put lot of emphasis on Naam-Smaran as a safe and very effective tool. It increases bhava towards divine and lights the fire that burns the impurities of mind and cleanses the prana.
Ten minutes of chanting and living awareness of God will go a long way.
Do not judge others ; Do not rush to give your opinion on any subject.
Do not engage in unnecessary arguments and insist that your viewpoint is right ; Instill auspicious sense of purpose into others ; Express all pervading generosity in your life ; Develop abundance of living awareness of love ( bhava ).
Remember that you have to transform the human nature ; Keep that in mind and act to overcome it ; Develop detachment to the results your work.
Convince your self that root cause of injustice and unhappiness is within you ; Intensify loving awareness of love and devotion for your Guru ; Develop triune ( like mixing waters of Ganga, Jamuna and Saraswati ) of aspiration, denial ( of undivine ) and surrender to God ; Always be happy and spread happiness.
Experience the twins of divine grace and your effort in life ; Remember God at the beginning, middle and and at the end of all your actions ; Quiet the mind.
Be alert to abolish attachments and hate in you ; If you have spiritual experiences express it in your daily life.
Do not run away from this life ; Accept with your own free will whatever comes your way as a gift from God.
Do not try to compare anybody ; Favorable or adverse circumstances is a myth and delusion created by mind ; Everything is always helpful for spiritual life.
Have passion and excitement to be silent instrument of God.
My two cents ---
In this particular section Pujya Shree Mota explains do's and don'ts for the spiritual life. It sounds like a tall order to follow. At the same time it is very practical. We try to follow as much as we can but fall short to achieve the goal. In the words of Pujya Shree Mota "you need aspiration like a erupting volcano". Then only it is possible to achieve the goal.
Pujya Shree Mota has put lot of emphasis on Naam-Smaran as a safe and very effective tool. It increases bhava towards divine and lights the fire that burns the impurities of mind and cleanses the prana.
Ten minutes of chanting and living awareness of God will go a long way.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
God is omnipresent.
Develop live awareness that " all creations are the reflection of ones-self ".
My two cents ---
First part clearly states that God permeates everything live or inert. It is easy to say but extremely difficult to experience. If enough awareness is created then glimpses of one of the aspects may be experienced.
Who has not experienced the smile and laughter of a child? We instinctively smile and laugh back and see ourselves in that child. This common bond is one of the aspect of God that can be realized if living awareness is developed.
Next time you get angry at your spouse consider it as being angry at yourself !
Pujya Shree Mota has written a book " Tuj Charana " ( translated in English " At Thy Lotus Feet " by Shree Hemantkumar Nilkanth ) describing various attributes and manifestations of Almighty in prayer form and I recommend it to all readers of this blog.
Develop live awareness that " all creations are the reflection of ones-self ".
My two cents ---
First part clearly states that God permeates everything live or inert. It is easy to say but extremely difficult to experience. If enough awareness is created then glimpses of one of the aspects may be experienced.
Who has not experienced the smile and laughter of a child? We instinctively smile and laugh back and see ourselves in that child. This common bond is one of the aspect of God that can be realized if living awareness is developed.
Next time you get angry at your spouse consider it as being angry at yourself !
Pujya Shree Mota has written a book " Tuj Charana " ( translated in English " At Thy Lotus Feet " by Shree Hemantkumar Nilkanth ) describing various attributes and manifestations of Almighty in prayer form and I recommend it to all readers of this blog.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Perceive subtlety and finer elements rather than gross physical elements in everything.
Purify natural tendencies ( vrutti ).
Increase living awareness ( bhava ).
My two cents ---
This reminds me of the previous blog post "Physical processes and Sadhana." You can appreciate that blog only if you have the ability to perceive subtle rather than gross elements.
This particular verse explains one of the processes to increase your living awareness of God. It starts with a gross physical object or event. Of course you will observe the object or the event according to your previous experiences and memory of it. This particular natural tendency needs to be watched, analyzed and purified and directed towards experiencing the subtle aspects of the event. The more you do this, the better it gets. Even the tiniest success in this process will give you immense joy and appreciation of God almighty. In this way an event becomes an instrument to increase living awareness of God.
Recently I attended a medical conference and one of the symposia needed a ticket to enter the room. Although I was registered for the event, the organizers by mistake did not give me the ticket for the event. While I was explaining the situation to the usher, a bystander overheard the conversation and said "Oh! I have an extra ticket and you can have it."
I was amused and baffled. Apparently this event made my life easier. But why? After a few days I got the answer.
The event needed to be shared on this blog.
On the other hand it is also entirely possible to have a ticket, lose it and not be admitted to the symposium. Will I feel the same way? I sincerely do not know but hope I do.
Purify natural tendencies ( vrutti ).
Increase living awareness ( bhava ).
My two cents ---
This reminds me of the previous blog post "Physical processes and Sadhana." You can appreciate that blog only if you have the ability to perceive subtle rather than gross elements.
This particular verse explains one of the processes to increase your living awareness of God. It starts with a gross physical object or event. Of course you will observe the object or the event according to your previous experiences and memory of it. This particular natural tendency needs to be watched, analyzed and purified and directed towards experiencing the subtle aspects of the event. The more you do this, the better it gets. Even the tiniest success in this process will give you immense joy and appreciation of God almighty. In this way an event becomes an instrument to increase living awareness of God.
Recently I attended a medical conference and one of the symposia needed a ticket to enter the room. Although I was registered for the event, the organizers by mistake did not give me the ticket for the event. While I was explaining the situation to the usher, a bystander overheard the conversation and said "Oh! I have an extra ticket and you can have it."
I was amused and baffled. Apparently this event made my life easier. But why? After a few days I got the answer.
The event needed to be shared on this blog.
On the other hand it is also entirely possible to have a ticket, lose it and not be admitted to the symposium. Will I feel the same way? I sincerely do not know but hope I do.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Pray for divine energy to enter into you when you eat or drink water. Also pray for the elimination of mental and physical imperfections and weaknesses when you eliminate waste products from your body.
My two cents ---
Being a medical doctor, it is hard for me to entertain this concept. But maybe you can. I'm sure there are devotees who can put this quote into practice. You can certainly pause during these activities to remember God almighty.
Any comments?
My two cents ---
Being a medical doctor, it is hard for me to entertain this concept. But maybe you can. I'm sure there are devotees who can put this quote into practice. You can certainly pause during these activities to remember God almighty.
Any comments?
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Use emotions, passion, and feelings in the journey of life (Sadhana). Do not let these flow away; at the same time, do not get entangled with them either.
Develop detachment.
My two cents ---
When you sit quietly alone or in meditation or chanting, a flow of emotions and thoughts go through your mind (these are from your previous life experiences). This can be intense at times. It is advised in general to watch these and not get entangled. Pujya Shree Mota advises us to use this technique to develop detachment.
You cannot detach from anything that you consider to be a part of you. So actively watch this play in your mind with the express purpose of considering these thoughts and emotions as foreign and not part of yourself. It is a slow process but the rewards are great. Even a small amount of detachment will go a long way in preventing perceived miseries.
Does it work in real life? Of course it does. This is not a one day process but a continuing project for the rest of your life. You have to use discretion in your actions and follow your inner guidance when confronted with difficult situations. You get better at it as your Sadhana progresses. There is no magic to Sadhana; it is hard work and needs to be done while living in society with all its complexities. In fact, society is the testing ground for your development as per Pujya Shree Mota.
Developing detachment is one of the steps in Sadhana.
Develop detachment.
My two cents ---
When you sit quietly alone or in meditation or chanting, a flow of emotions and thoughts go through your mind (these are from your previous life experiences). This can be intense at times. It is advised in general to watch these and not get entangled. Pujya Shree Mota advises us to use this technique to develop detachment.
You cannot detach from anything that you consider to be a part of you. So actively watch this play in your mind with the express purpose of considering these thoughts and emotions as foreign and not part of yourself. It is a slow process but the rewards are great. Even a small amount of detachment will go a long way in preventing perceived miseries.
Does it work in real life? Of course it does. This is not a one day process but a continuing project for the rest of your life. You have to use discretion in your actions and follow your inner guidance when confronted with difficult situations. You get better at it as your Sadhana progresses. There is no magic to Sadhana; it is hard work and needs to be done while living in society with all its complexities. In fact, society is the testing ground for your development as per Pujya Shree Mota.
Developing detachment is one of the steps in Sadhana.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Experience art, beauty, and purity as gifts from God. Pray that the BHAVA (love and devotion) behind these creations descends and permeates into you.
My two cents ---
A group of us visited the holy site "Kailash", the mountain abode of Shiva, in the year 2000. All of us came under its spell, from the day that we had our first glimpse of the mountain till we left its sight. This spell was beautiful, awesome, and magnificent. Most of us recognized this spell after it was long gone. Too bad we did not have the awareness of God's hand behind this manifestation while it was unfolding before us. Imagine our joy if we had realized the all pervading hand of Shiva at that time.
For this to happen, it seems more important to be in a relaxed state of mind than to make an active effort to have that experience. So chill out and enjoy!
My two cents ---
A group of us visited the holy site "Kailash", the mountain abode of Shiva, in the year 2000. All of us came under its spell, from the day that we had our first glimpse of the mountain till we left its sight. This spell was beautiful, awesome, and magnificent. Most of us recognized this spell after it was long gone. Too bad we did not have the awareness of God's hand behind this manifestation while it was unfolding before us. Imagine our joy if we had realized the all pervading hand of Shiva at that time.
For this to happen, it seems more important to be in a relaxed state of mind than to make an active effort to have that experience. So chill out and enjoy!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Find the root cause of your natural tendencies. Analyze these tendencies.
Watch them with equanimity and quietude. Do not get entangled.
My two cents ---
Most of our actions are governed by our natural tendencies. These tendencies make us think and behave in certain ways. Pujya Shree Mota compares this to a river flowing within its banks, incapable of changing the direction of its flow.
The first step is to watch this flow of thoughts and emotions. A little reflection will reveal that this flow is fueled and guided by sex, anger, infatuation, arrogance, jealousy etc. Most of the time we think, feel, and act based on these natural tendencies, just as the river keeps flowing within its banks for eternity.
But as human beings we have the power of choice and free will, and are capable of changing the direction of this river. For this to happen, however, you must reflect with a peaceful mind and some degree of equanimity.
Watch them with equanimity and quietude. Do not get entangled.
My two cents ---
Most of our actions are governed by our natural tendencies. These tendencies make us think and behave in certain ways. Pujya Shree Mota compares this to a river flowing within its banks, incapable of changing the direction of its flow.
The first step is to watch this flow of thoughts and emotions. A little reflection will reveal that this flow is fueled and guided by sex, anger, infatuation, arrogance, jealousy etc. Most of the time we think, feel, and act based on these natural tendencies, just as the river keeps flowing within its banks for eternity.
But as human beings we have the power of choice and free will, and are capable of changing the direction of this river. For this to happen, however, you must reflect with a peaceful mind and some degree of equanimity.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Keep alive the sense of purpose ( spiritual development ) in any work, conversation and behavior. Remember that all the activity is done to accelerate the journey to achieve our goal. Create a habit of always remembering living awareness of the purpose ( BHAVA ) during reading, writing and performing any action.
My two cents ---
You encounter pleasant and unpleasant situations during the day. It may include jealous or friendly co workers , generous raise, pink slip, tedious commuting, birth of a child etc. To remember and keep
alive the living awareness of Sadhana during these different situations is difficult. The secrete is to start somewhere and if the effort is genuine, progress is sure to come.
You may ask " what is the living awareness of sadhana? ".
Take an example of tedious commuting. You can get upset and unhappy everyday or enjoy the ride listening to music or news. But there is another way. Think and feel that this is an opportunity to observe your self (enjoying, angry at times, amused, emotional etc ), correct your self and in the process little advancement towards spiritual path.
You can practice this when other driver cuts in front you!
My two cents ---
You encounter pleasant and unpleasant situations during the day. It may include jealous or friendly co workers , generous raise, pink slip, tedious commuting, birth of a child etc. To remember and keep
alive the living awareness of Sadhana during these different situations is difficult. The secrete is to start somewhere and if the effort is genuine, progress is sure to come.
You may ask " what is the living awareness of sadhana? ".
Take an example of tedious commuting. You can get upset and unhappy everyday or enjoy the ride listening to music or news. But there is another way. Think and feel that this is an opportunity to observe your self (enjoying, angry at times, amused, emotional etc ), correct your self and in the process little advancement towards spiritual path.
You can practice this when other driver cuts in front you!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
You serve GOD when you serve others in need. One who lets you serve is obliging you by giving the opportunity.
There is no question of claiming anything as yours in this world. GOD has given you and you give it to others. Nothing belongs to you in this world.
My two cents ---
An excellent guideline to follow while working as volunteer or just helping out your family and friends.
When volunteering you must have noticed bickering, insults, infighting etc. This happens even in the best of places. Pujya Shree Mota has clearly mentioned that if you can not follow above principles, than better not serve others. You are doing injustice to others and yourself. It increase your ego and you get entangled into messy situations. This is written not as a discouragement but as a caution. It should not be the excuse for avoiding service all together. Use of discretion ( vivek ) will go a long way.
Next time when you get the opportunity to serve others follow the guidelines. GOD has given you the opportunity to develop yourself and at the same time helping others.
You develop humility along the way.
There is no question of claiming anything as yours in this world. GOD has given you and you give it to others. Nothing belongs to you in this world.
My two cents ---
An excellent guideline to follow while working as volunteer or just helping out your family and friends.
When volunteering you must have noticed bickering, insults, infighting etc. This happens even in the best of places. Pujya Shree Mota has clearly mentioned that if you can not follow above principles, than better not serve others. You are doing injustice to others and yourself. It increase your ego and you get entangled into messy situations. This is written not as a discouragement but as a caution. It should not be the excuse for avoiding service all together. Use of discretion ( vivek ) will go a long way.
Next time when you get the opportunity to serve others follow the guidelines. GOD has given you the opportunity to develop yourself and at the same time helping others.
You develop humility along the way.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
"Be attentive to yourself.
Be introspective.
Live only in your own world.
Do not let yourself become entangled in extraneous matters.
My two cents ---
The main thrust of this "pearl" is to study oneself only, and not to bother about anything else. The intention here is not to become passive and lazy. In his writings, Pujya Shree Mota has made it abundantly clear that you should do all work that comes to you with diligence and love. Here he is asking us to refrain from entangling ourselves intentionally in somebody else's business. It requires a great sense of discretion. Non-intervention should never be an excuse to hide or promote laziness.
Be introspective.
Live only in your own world.
Do not let yourself become entangled in extraneous matters.
My two cents ---
The main thrust of this "pearl" is to study oneself only, and not to bother about anything else. The intention here is not to become passive and lazy. In his writings, Pujya Shree Mota has made it abundantly clear that you should do all work that comes to you with diligence and love. Here he is asking us to refrain from entangling ourselves intentionally in somebody else's business. It requires a great sense of discretion. Non-intervention should never be an excuse to hide or promote laziness.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
"Understand that all works coming our way belong to GOD. Perform them with love and without hesitation.
All incidents and happenings are for our own good. These activities need to be done with a clear understanding that they are for our own benefit and self development.
GOD'S mystic and auspicious purpose is behind all happenings."
My two cents ---
There is one clear benefit when you perform your work as GOD'S work. The first thing that happens is that you encounter and confront your ego as soon as the work is started. That gives you the opportunity to observe yourself and make corrections along the way. A sense of discretion ("vivek" in Gujarati) develops along the way as well. The works are done outside but they are directed from within.
If enough awareness is created within, then inner guidance enters the process. The moment inner guidance (not your own ideas and wishes) is accepted, the ego starts to loosen its grip. From that point on, you become GOD'S instrument and one small piece of the puzzle in his grand design.
It is of the utmost importance to start the process and not just read and entertain yourself. So next time, when a confrontation happens outside, enjoy watching the confrontation within and gain some insight about yourself.
All incidents and happenings are for our own good. These activities need to be done with a clear understanding that they are for our own benefit and self development.
GOD'S mystic and auspicious purpose is behind all happenings."
My two cents ---
There is one clear benefit when you perform your work as GOD'S work. The first thing that happens is that you encounter and confront your ego as soon as the work is started. That gives you the opportunity to observe yourself and make corrections along the way. A sense of discretion ("vivek" in Gujarati) develops along the way as well. The works are done outside but they are directed from within.
If enough awareness is created within, then inner guidance enters the process. The moment inner guidance (not your own ideas and wishes) is accepted, the ego starts to loosen its grip. From that point on, you become GOD'S instrument and one small piece of the puzzle in his grand design.
It is of the utmost importance to start the process and not just read and entertain yourself. So next time, when a confrontation happens outside, enjoy watching the confrontation within and gain some insight about yourself.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
"Pray with a loving heart, being humble and eager at the same time. Let HIM know all your joys and sorrows. Develop a personal and deep relationship with HIM by telling everything. Do not keep thinking the same thing over and over. Keep your mind empty."
My two cents ---
A very practical method to keep mental stress at a minimum. Just let HIM know earnestly and let HIM carry the burden. You will become peaceful and at ease.
Try this first in a stressful situation. It's hard to follow this when the going is good.
If you watch your thoughts, then you will notice that only three or four thoughts keep rotating and taking turns in your mind. After every thought, have a heartfelt talk with HIM and dedicate your thought to him earnestly. This will definitely reduce the harassing aspects of the thought and your mind will be peaceful. This is the best way to develop a personal relationship with GOD or GURU.
Ashwin Amin
My two cents ---
A very practical method to keep mental stress at a minimum. Just let HIM know earnestly and let HIM carry the burden. You will become peaceful and at ease.
Try this first in a stressful situation. It's hard to follow this when the going is good.
If you watch your thoughts, then you will notice that only three or four thoughts keep rotating and taking turns in your mind. After every thought, have a heartfelt talk with HIM and dedicate your thought to him earnestly. This will definitely reduce the harassing aspects of the thought and your mind will be peaceful. This is the best way to develop a personal relationship with GOD or GURU.
Ashwin Amin
Thursday, August 19, 2010
"Quit all earnest desires and assertiveness except activities related to the contemplation of God.
Develop humility.
Aim to be non-entity."
My two cents ---
At first these lines seem to be disconnected, but a little thinking reveals a start and end point about desires. Humility develops as the force of your thoughts and emotions lessens. Again this takes time and requires patience. This helps to quiet the mind and redirects it towards contemplation. The lofty goal is to be free of desires and be a non-entity.
When arguments occur, just let go. Once you let go, there will be flurry of activities in your mind. Most likely you will want to argue your case more vehemently; or less likely, you will see the other person's viewpoint. In any case, if you watch this play in your mind you have started the journey. The goal is to keep peace and quiet in your mind. You decide how you will handle the next argument.
This is an easier and more concrete way to watch your thoughts and take action on them, rather than sitting in meditation and watching your thoughts passively. Your life will be more pleasant, with much less conflict, when you put this knowledge to work in your life.
Ashwin Amin
Develop humility.
Aim to be non-entity."
My two cents ---
At first these lines seem to be disconnected, but a little thinking reveals a start and end point about desires. Humility develops as the force of your thoughts and emotions lessens. Again this takes time and requires patience. This helps to quiet the mind and redirects it towards contemplation. The lofty goal is to be free of desires and be a non-entity.
When arguments occur, just let go. Once you let go, there will be flurry of activities in your mind. Most likely you will want to argue your case more vehemently; or less likely, you will see the other person's viewpoint. In any case, if you watch this play in your mind you have started the journey. The goal is to keep peace and quiet in your mind. You decide how you will handle the next argument.
This is an easier and more concrete way to watch your thoughts and take action on them, rather than sitting in meditation and watching your thoughts passively. Your life will be more pleasant, with much less conflict, when you put this knowledge to work in your life.
Ashwin Amin
Thursday, August 12, 2010
"Observe verbal and mental silence as much as possible; train your self."
"Develop spirit of surrender in your life with conscious awareness."
My two cents ----
To develop verbal silence is not difficult, but mental silence requires training and practice. Mental silence means not having any thoughts or reaction in your mind to internal or external stimuli. This is possible and feasible only when the spirit of surrender is established in the mind.
Awareness and wakefulness are the first thing to be developed and only then the process of watching one's self starts.
Who said it is going to be easy?
Ashwin Amin
"Develop spirit of surrender in your life with conscious awareness."
My two cents ----
To develop verbal silence is not difficult, but mental silence requires training and practice. Mental silence means not having any thoughts or reaction in your mind to internal or external stimuli. This is possible and feasible only when the spirit of surrender is established in the mind.
Awareness and wakefulness are the first thing to be developed and only then the process of watching one's self starts.
Who said it is going to be easy?
Ashwin Amin
Thursday, August 5, 2010
"Be in SAKSHI-BHAVA ( an attentive witness to your consciousness ) with complete wakefulness"
"Do not form a chain of successive thoughts in your mind"
My two cents ---
In Gujarati the word " SAKSHI-BHAVA " is literally translated as " witness consciousness " and it represents a type of consciousness where you are a detached witness to your thoughts and emotions.
There are various levels of witness consciousness. I will quote an example:
Suppose a husband and wife are arguing about some important issue and you are there and listening the argument.
1) You take either the wife or husband's side according to your own idea of what is right and what is wrong.
2) You do not take a side or give your opinion, yet in your mind you have decided who is right and who is wrong according to your own ideas and beliefs.
3) You still do not take side but you appreciate the viewpoint of both, and decide both are right in their own way. This may not fit with your own ideas and beliefs.
4) You consider the argument as a manifestation and expression of God's design in its own way. There is then no question of taking sides.
Taking the thought little further you will note that " husband,wife and their arguments "is not important but watching the reaction in your mind and emotion is.
What you are attempting to do in real life situations is very similar to sitting in meditation and watching your thoughts and emotions. In this way your life is your meditation and vice a versa.
Watch yourself and decide where you stand. Try to be in higher level witness consciousness and life will be interesting, pleasant and with less conflict.
When chanting, you can start watching your thoughts. When a thought comes in your mind, just watch it. Do not start thinking further on that particular thought. Instantly you will have another thought. Again, do not get attached to this thought and start thinking about successive thoughts. Just keep watching it. This process is easier said than done, but the process itself is meditation. Chanting will help you to be aware of your thinking and increase wakefulness.
Ashwin Amin
"Do not form a chain of successive thoughts in your mind"
My two cents ---
In Gujarati the word " SAKSHI-BHAVA " is literally translated as " witness consciousness " and it represents a type of consciousness where you are a detached witness to your thoughts and emotions.
There are various levels of witness consciousness. I will quote an example:
Suppose a husband and wife are arguing about some important issue and you are there and listening the argument.
1) You take either the wife or husband's side according to your own idea of what is right and what is wrong.
2) You do not take a side or give your opinion, yet in your mind you have decided who is right and who is wrong according to your own ideas and beliefs.
3) You still do not take side but you appreciate the viewpoint of both, and decide both are right in their own way. This may not fit with your own ideas and beliefs.
4) You consider the argument as a manifestation and expression of God's design in its own way. There is then no question of taking sides.
Taking the thought little further you will note that " husband,wife and their arguments "is not important but watching the reaction in your mind and emotion is.
What you are attempting to do in real life situations is very similar to sitting in meditation and watching your thoughts and emotions. In this way your life is your meditation and vice a versa.
Watch yourself and decide where you stand. Try to be in higher level witness consciousness and life will be interesting, pleasant and with less conflict.
When chanting, you can start watching your thoughts. When a thought comes in your mind, just watch it. Do not start thinking further on that particular thought. Instantly you will have another thought. Again, do not get attached to this thought and start thinking about successive thoughts. Just keep watching it. This process is easier said than done, but the process itself is meditation. Chanting will help you to be aware of your thinking and increase wakefulness.
Ashwin Amin
Thursday, July 29, 2010
"At every moment constantly surrender everything both good and bad"
My two cents ---
Surrender should include your mind, intelligence, prana, emotions etc that you consider as part of yourself. This is the best way to reduce the power of ego and eventually be free from it. In one sense, surrendering means offering every thought, action, emotion etc to God or Guru. If nothing else, this relieves the mind of its burden and makes it peaceful and quiet. This requires patience and practice, but it is worth trying. So good luck.
Ashwin Amin
My two cents ---
Surrender should include your mind, intelligence, prana, emotions etc that you consider as part of yourself. This is the best way to reduce the power of ego and eventually be free from it. In one sense, surrendering means offering every thought, action, emotion etc to God or Guru. If nothing else, this relieves the mind of its burden and makes it peaceful and quiet. This requires patience and practice, but it is worth trying. So good luck.
Ashwin Amin